Victoria McIntosh

Victoria McIntosh

Victoria McIntosh is an Information and Privacy professional residing in Halifax, Nova Scotia. She holds a Masters in Library and Information Science, and is certified by the International Association of Privacy Professionals as an Information Privacy Technologist. Regularly contributing to the technology community through blogging and providing conference talks, she feels privacy is an important freedom in the digital world, and works best with a fresh cup of coffee in her hands.

Articles by Victoria

How the president views privacy goes a long way towards data protection safeguards. With less than a month to November 3rd, Americans weigh in on Trump against his opponent Joe Biden over a number of issues, what of privacy? Here's a look at how the Trump Administration has had on privacy over the past four years.    
By Victoria McIntosh in VPN & Privacy on May 17, 2021
In May of 2020, the United States senate voted to renew surveillance powers of FISA. Are there measu
By Victoria McIntosh in VPN & Privacy on October 21, 2020
Hosting a public event in the coming months? If you’re responsible for a networking mix or a big-name concert coming to town, pay attention. Here's the low-down on what to expect and how to handle privacy at events.
By Victoria McIntosh in Information Security on April 15, 2022
Commercial DNA testing kits are becoming increasingly popular, but what are the privacy risks involved? We explore who can access your DNA information and the potential unexpected consequences of DNA testing.
By Victoria McIntosh in Information Security on December 14, 2023
As of January 2020, new legislation will be in force for all Internet of Things (IoT) devices sold within California and Oregon  
By Victoria McIntosh in Information Security on October 21, 2020
Many organizations argue they protect privacy through the use of aggregate, de-identified or anonymous data, but how many users understand these terms? We explain how these different techniques work and whether or not your privacy is actually protected.
By Victoria McIntosh in Information Security on September 25, 2023
Want to share holiday pictures with friends online, but keep them private from strangers? From cloud drives to social network options, messenger apps and new platforms, here's how to privately share photos online.
By Victoria McIntosh in VPN & Privacy on September 8, 2023
Your data is valuable, and two senators want residents of the United States to understand how much. What should we expect from the Dashboard Act?
By Victoria McIntosh in VPN & Privacy on August 13, 2019
Introducing geofencing: a technology with serious potential in a number of industries, but big privacy problems if handled incorrectly.
By Victoria McIntosh in VPN & Privacy on September 28, 2023
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