Best Encrypted File Sharing Services

Business processes and decision-making require information as input. While databases have innovated data sharing, much of the important information that needs to circulate to keep your business operating is still file-based.

You need to share files internally and also send files containing essential business documents out to customers and suppliers. If you process credit cards or have some involvement in the US health sector, then you need to be particularly careful with how you handle files that contain Personally Identifiable Information (PII). Similarly, businesses that trade in the EU need to secure and track files containing PII and control where the recipients of files are physically located.

Here is our list of the best encrypted file sharing services:

  1. SolarWinds Serv-U Managed File Transfer Server EDITOR’S CHOICE This file server system protects uploads and creates a secure file distribution service through links for access to files on the server. It runs on Windows Server and Linux. Get a 14-day free trial.
  2. (FREE TRIAL) A cloud platform for file management that enables encrypted transfers, secure storage, collaboration, and link sharing.
  3. ExaVault (FREE TRIAL) A subscription service that provides storage space and a user account structure that enables users to secure files and grant access to others for collaboration.
  4. Citrix ShareFile This cloud platform includes encryption for file transfers, storage, and link sharing and can also run process automation.
  5. Sharetru A secure file server platform, based in the cloud that implements encryption on all aspects of file sharing.
  6. Tresorit A cloud platform that manages secure file distribution and collaboration and includes encrypted storage space.

There are a lot of issues that you need to cover when assessing file sharing services for use by your company. You need to ensure that information gets to where it is needed without breaking laws and industry standards. Information security is an important priority and encrypted file sharing is fundamental to that goal.

Encryption for file sharing systems

There are three points of vulnerability for files in file sharing systems. Those are when the file is in transit, when the file is at rest, and when the file is opened for viewing through a Web browser. So, there are two types of encryption to examine where considering encrypted file sharing systems.

There are well-established protocols for file transmissions. The oldest protocol available for moving files is called the File Transfer Protocol (FTP). However, this system is not encrypted and not secure. The most commonly used secure protocols used for file transmission are the SSH File Transfer Protocol, which is also known as the Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP), and the File Transfer Protocol Secure (FTPS).

The security built into SFTP is called Secure Shell. This is actually a protocol for secure remote access but it has a file transmission protocol built into it, which applies encryption, which is established by SSH to the file transmission packets that occur within an SSH session. The file transfer system doesn’t require a remote terminal session to actually be opened.

FTPS uses the same authentication and encryption services employed for HTTPS. The HTTPS system is the method that makes Web page transmissions secure enough that bank account and credit card details can be passed over the Internet without fear of data theft. That protection system is called Transport Layer Security (TLS).

There are many encryption systems that can be used to protect files on a server. The strongest is probably the Advanced Encryption System (AES). This cipher is considered to be uncrackable in its strongest form, which involves an encryption key that is 256 bits long. Even the weaker 128-bit key would take years to crack by permutation and trial and error, which is called a “brute force attack.” So, AES with a 128-bit key is also, effectively, uncrackable.

Many encrypted file sharing services strengthen security by holding all files on a server and not allowing them to be moved. Instead of sending a file to a recipient, the system sends that person a link to the file’s location on the server. The recipient then views the contents of the file through a Web browser rather than copying it over. Displaying a file in a browser requires that the file’s contents be sent to that browser. This creates a point of vulnerability because snoopers could intercept the transmission. To enforce security, these transmissions are protected by HTTPS, which uses the TLS protection system.

The Best Encrypted File Sharing Services

The requirement to keep information flowing in order to support the business while restricting access to certain data is a difficult mix of priorities. Encrypting files ensures that only authorized personnel and external stakeholders can see the data. Encryption ensures confidentiality because it means that possession of the file is not enough, you also need to be able to decrypt it before the contents are meaningful.

So, encryption goes a long way towards fulfilling the requirement of protecting information from theft. However, that shifts the focus of security measures from access to the file to access to the encryption system.

Effective data encryption is difficult to manage. Therefore, using a file management package that has encryption key control built into it is the most efficient solution available. These systems can tie in with your existing access rights management systems to make secure file sharing even more manageable.

What should you look for in encrypted file sharing services? 

We reviewed the encrypted file sharing services market analyzed options based on the following criteria:

  • A security management system that implements secure encryption that is bundled into the file sharing service
  • The secure distribution of encryption and decryption keys
  • A service that optionally can integrate with existing access rights management systems
  • Secure file transfer mechanisms
  • Storage security
  • A free trial or demo version for a risk-free assessment
  • A good mix of functions at a fair price that represents value for money.

An encrypted file sharing service needs to allow easy access to files by authorized users while blocking out others. It is also necessary to ensure that those who are allowed access only appropriately use the information those files contain.

The control over appropriate use has to be implemented through company policy and secure working practices. However, the encrypted file sharing service needs to contribute to those practices. This is achieved by logging all actions and putting in place processes that support data disclosure tracing. We took all of these factors into consideration when researching the market for secure file management tools.

1. SolarWinds Serv-U Managed File Transfer Server (FREE TRIAL)

SolarWinds Serv-U Managed File Transfer Server

Serv-U Managed File Transfer Server is a software package that creates a secure file server for your organization. The system creates a central store of files that can be safely distributed or accessed by teams from their central location. The software is able to manage SAN and NAS file server configurations.

Key Features:

  • Self-Hosted: Installs on Windows Server and Linux
  • Can Manage File Transfers to and from File Servers: Good for SAN and NAS
  • Encrypted Transfers: FTPS, SFTP, and HTTPS
  • Protection for Files: Access controls, encryption, and activity logging
  • Integrates with Active Directory: User your enterprise user accounts for Serv-u access

Why do we recommend it?

SolarWinds Serv-U Managed File Transfer Server has a number of uses. The service and be used to transfer files within a network and also to download files from cloud services, such as SaaS platforms. The MFT system allows transfer actions to be integrated into scripts, which can implement file processing actions.

The security measures built into the Serv-U Managed File Transfer Server are suitable for use by businesses that need to comply with PCI DSS, HIPAA, FISMA, or SOX. These measures are a combination of access control, encryption, and activity logging.

File transfers to the file server are protected by SFTP or FTPS, which include encryption. The overhead of encryption doesn’t place performance limits on the service – files can be up to 3 GB in size. The service is also able to hand the volumes of traffic that are generated by syncing.

The Managed File Transfer Server doesn’t impose encryption on files stored on the server. However, as this is an in-house system, physical access controls to the server and account access processes make up for that shortfall. Corporate users need accounts to access files on the server. However, this access control can be integrated with the user management services of your existing Active Directory or LDAP systems.

File sharing is implemented through secure link mailing. All users can be authorized via their email addresses. The owner of the file can specify the level of access that a recipient gets and that access can be easily revoked by the file owner or the system administrator. Users access files through any browser or through a special mobile app. This imposes HTTPS encryption on the connection.

Files can be uploaded through any secure file transfer client. The Serv-U site includes a downloadable secure FTP client. This client is able to use SFTP and FTPS security, imposing encryption on all file transfers to the Serv-U server in your data center.

Who is it recommended for?

This system is a little expensive, so it wouldn’t appeal to small businesses. Its capabilities extend to supporting the creation and management of a private file server within a network. Thus, you could use it to centralize the storage of data within the organization. This makes the protection of sensitive data easier.


  • Compliance Reporting: For PCI DSS, HIPAA, FISMA, and SOX
  • User File Access Tracking: Activity logging attributable to the user account
  • Link Invitation for File Sharing: Removes the need to send files
  • File Transfer Package: Provides the software for both server and client
  • Web-Based Client: Enables remote actions


  • Not a SaaS Package: A software package for Windows Server and Linux

Serv-U Managed File Transfer Server is available for Windows Server and Linux and it is offered on a 14-day free trial.


SolarWinds Serv-U Managed File Transfer Server is our number one pick for an encrypted file sharing service because it enables you to set up your own secure file server for corporate file sharing. The system applies encryption to file transfers and enables access to files on the central file storage through secure link mailing. File viewing is protected by HTTPS with its RSA encryption.

Get a 14-day free trial:

Operating system: Windows Server and Linux

2. (FREE TRIAL) is a cloud platform that provides a file server function for its customers. Each account on the system gets a secure area of storage space on the server to hold files. There is an administrator account to start off the customer’s experience of the service. The administrator is able to set up individual accounts for the business’s users. The passwords for those accounts are kept confidential in an encrypted password vault and even the account administrator is unable to read them.

Key Features:

  • Cloud Platform: Includes an administration console
  • Storage Included: Can be subdivided to create user filespaces
  • Secure File Transfer Protocols: SFTP and AS2
  • Empowers Users to Control Access: Can grant file access to others and revoke it

Why do we recommend it? is a cloud drive that can facilitate file transfers and collaboration. The architecture of the platform enables file owners to permit others to access, copy, or edit files. This function reduces the need to transfer files. For example, email attachments can be eliminated, with an access invitation mailed instead.

All file transfers are protected by FTPS, which includes Transport Layer Security (TLS). This involves encrypting all file transfers with an RSA cipher that has a 2048-bit key. Viewing access to files is conducted by a Web browser using HTTPS. This is also protected by TLS with a 2048-bit RSA cipher. The server space offered by is hosted by AWS. It is the AWS S3 service, which is encrypted storage space. Amazon S3 uses the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) with a 256-bit key.

The main usage for is to centralize file storage and provide. The administrator can set up shared folders or private folders for each user. The users upload their files to the central store and then grant access to others with their system username or by email address. Access to individual files can also be granted to outsiders by email address.

The file distribution service operates through the permissions granting screen for files. The system emails out a link to each person who has been granted access. Those recipients then view the file through a browser connection that is protected by HTTPS. The file itself does not move and is not duplicated. The service uses a similar system to secure email attachments. When a user attaches a file to an email, uploads that file to its storage area and places a link to that location in the email.

Who is it recommended for?

This system has many uses. It can be used as the primary storage location for a business’s files. It can also be used for syncing and backup. The tool can facilitate the mass mailout of a single file upload, reducing the load on your network.


  • Protection for File Transfers: Uses 2048-bit RSA encryption
  • Protection for the File Storage Area: Implements 256-bit AES encryption
  • Administrators Can Create Shared Folders: Useful for projects
  • Audit Trails: Proof of delivery


  • Encryption Protection for File Transfers isn’t the Best Available: 4095-bit RSA is stronger

You can assess on a 7-day free trial. Start 7-day FREE Trial

3. ExaVault (FREE TRIAL)


ExaVault is a cloud package that is designed to provide secure file transfers and cloud storage space. The system includes a secure file server that can interact with clients through SFTP and FTPS. The system uses 2048-bit public key encryption to protect transfers and also provides encryption protection for data at rest on the ExaVault servers.

Key Features:

  • A Cloud Platform: Low maintenance
  • Storage Included: Allocate space to each user
  • Compliance Management: Good for GDPR

Why do we recommend it?

ExaVault is a rival to the system. It provides file space that can be allocated to individual user accounts. It can mediate file transfers or replace them through access invite links. The system can also be used as the primary storage server or for syncing and backup.

ExaVaul can be used to distribute files, removing the need to send files to external destinations. The service can also be used for internal file sharing as well because file owners grant access to others within the business.

All of the access to the cloud storage space that is included in an ExaVault system is controlled by user account credentials. The administrator can also choose to impose multi-factor authentication. Once a user has an access to the file storage space, collaboration is facilitated through uploading and by them granting access to others. Those access rights can be time-limited and they can also be revoked.

Who is it recommended for?

This cloud service offers a large file space to each user – 1TB minimum. This makes the platform a good choice for businesses that generate a large number of files or many large files. Files can be created on the platform or uploaded there. The file space is fully encrypted for security.


  • Protection for File Transfers: Protected by 2048-bit RSA encryption
  • User Authentication: Multi-factor authentication
  • User Invites Others to Access a Document: Controls the permission level


  • File Security: Doesn’t state the encryption cipher used to protect files at rest

All actions performed on files are logged for compliance auditing. The physical security processes carried out by ExaVault make this service compliant with the requirements of GDPR. You can assess ExaVault by accessing a 30-day free trial. Start 30-day FREE Trial

4. Citrix ShareFile

Citrix ShareFile

Citrix ShareFile is a cloud platform that offers a number of methods for encrypted file sharing. The service revolves around secure storage space allocated to each client’s account. This file space is unlimited and is protected by 256-bit AES encryption. The administrator of the account can set up password-protected accounts for each of the business’s staff.

Key Features:

  • Secure Transfers: FTPS for file movements
  • Transfer Large Files: Handles files up to 100 GB in size
  • SaaS Management: Integration with Microsoft 365

Why do we recommend it?

Citrix ShareFile is a similar tool to the and ExaVault systems. This service’s remarkable feature is that it can handle file transfers of up to 100 GB in size. The service is hosted on the Web and accounts are accessed through a standard Web browser.

Uploads to the ShareFile server are all encrypted individually with a 256-bit AES cipher and then protected in transit by TLS that creates an FTPS connection. The system can transfer files up to 100 GB in size. Once on the server, the files do not move. Instead, users mail out links for secure access. These permissions can be revoked by the file owner or the administrator at any time.

ShareFile integrates with Office 365. This allows groups of users to collaborate on the composition of documents and store them securely. ShareFile also integrates with email applications. It removes any attachments, uploads them to the client’s file space, and inserts a link to the file into the email. Access through a browser to files on the server is protected by HTTPS.

Who is it recommended for?

The capability to move large files makes the Ctirix system suitable for media businesses and other companies that generate very large files for manufacturing designs or structural plans and calculations. Collaboration features, such as commenting and editing capabilities make it a good service for document creation.


  • Secure File Storage Drive: Protected by AES-256 encryption
  • End-to-End Encryption: File encryption is applied before uploading and then maintained on the cloud platform
  • Activity Logging: Identifies the user account involved in each action


  • Access by Mobile Apps: Could be a security weakness

All actions on files are logged with a timestamp and the identity of the user involved. You can a 30-day free trial of Citrix ShareFile.

5. Sharetru

FTP Today

Sharetru is a hosted secure file transfer sharing system that includes cloud storage that is protected by 128-bit AES encryption. Transfers are conducted by FTPS, using TLS with a 2048-bit RSA encryption cipher.

Key Features:

  • Secure Storage Space: With security monitoring
  • Secure File Transfers: FTPS for file movements
  • Compliance Management: Suitable for GDPR

Why do we recommend it?

Sharetru is another cloud drive service with a secure FTP feature. Users can send files or just invite others to access the file in situ on the Sharetru server. Editing and commenting features allow the collaborative creation of documents. Colleagues are invited by username and outsiders are identified by their email addresses.

Sharetru protects all of its servers with security software and that adds extra protection to all of its customer accounts. Each account has a separate operating system and the service is protected by firewalls and an Intrusion Detection System (IDS).

Access to files is facilitated via a link and through a browser protected by HTTPS.

As well as securing files in transit and on the server, Sharetru offers administrators a range of tools to protect data. It is possible to suspend user accounts immediately and revoke access to files. The system offers geofencing, which prevents authorized users from accessing files if they are physically located outside an allowed area. This is particularly useful for implementing GDPR. It is also possible o block access from specific domains or IP addresses.

Who is it recommended for?

The plans for Sharetru provide packages for a minimum of 10 users. The package is useful for businesses that operate virtual offices and don’t want to manage their own servers. SaaS productivity suites can be set up to store files direct to the Sharetru server, bypassing the need for local storage.


  • Intrusion Prevention System: Automatically applied to the cloud storage space
  • Data Protection: Files in storage are protected by 128-bit AES encryption
  • Data Movement Protection: File movements are protected by 2048-bit RSA encryption


  • Encryption Not the Strongest Available: AES-256 and RSA-4096 would offer stronger protection

Explore the Sharetru system by accessing a demo or sign up for the 14-day free trial.

6. Tresorit


Tresorit is a file server platform based in the cloud. The service is based on cloud storage space with three editions. The Business Standard users get 1TB of space and Business Plus users get 2 TB. The highest plan, called Enterprise is a tailored plan. Whichever plan you choose, that space is encrypted for protection and access requires login credentials that include multifactor authentication.

Key Features:

  • Secure System: Uses very strong encryption
  • Create Files Spaces for Users: User-owned directories
  • Backup Local Files: Can be used for synching

Why do we recommend it?

Tresorit is another system that provides a corporate cloud drive. You can share files by transferring them with a secure FTP system or by just letting others access the file on the server. The user can decide on the permission level that others will get and shared directories for projects are also possible.

Each file stored on the Tresorit server is encrypted individually, each with a different key, so a user can’t get access to any file without specific permission. That encryption takes place before the file is uploaded and uses a 256-bit AES cipher. The file’s encryption gets regenerated with a different key every time the file is changed or when the group of users permitted to access it changes.

Users are invited to access a file through a list of email addresses of permitted accessors. Each directory is called a tresor. It is a sync file that exists both on the owner’s device and on the Tresorit server. A tresor is encrypted by 4096-bit RSA public key encryption in both local and remote locations.

Permission can be graded to allow or block editing and access rights can easily be revoked both by the file owner and by the system administrator. Users grant access to colleagues and outsiders through their email addresses. The system tracks the status of files and, if any changes are made by anyone other than the owner, a message is generated to notify the owner and also write an entry into a log file.

The same processes that protect uploaded files are also applied to email attachments. Those get uploaded to the Tresorit server and then referenced by a secure link that gets written into the email. Uploading and file viewing are protected by TLS.

Who is it recommended for?

Tresorit is a good collaboration service for team-driven document development. Business plan changes are levied at a subscription rate per user per month, which makes this a particularly good choice for growing businesses. The minimum team size for a Tresorit account is three members.


  • Unbreakable Protection: 256-bit AES for storage and 4098-bit RSA for transfers
  • Accountability: Individual user accounts to aid security controls and identify the origin of file actions
  • Scans Emails: Removes attachments and replaces them with links


  • Email Protection isn’t a Core Module: Costs extra

You can assess the Tresorit system on a 14-day free trial.