Best PIA Software and Tools

Privacy Ιmpact Αssessment systems are known as PIA software for short. This service category can be delivered as on-premises software or in a Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) format from cloud-based providers.

Data privacy is becoming a very hot topic in the business world thanks to PCI DSS and HIPAA in the USA and the GDPR in the EU.

Here is our list of the best PIA software and tools:

  1. Vigilant Software DPIA Tool EDITOR’S CHOICE A guided PIA system can be used by anyone without the need for legal or technical knowledge. This is a cloud-based system.
  2. OneTrust Assessment Automation This guided cloud-based assessment system separates PIA and DPIA into two steps when formulating a data privacy management policy.
  3. TrustArc Assessment Manager An online privacy management platform that includes PIA guidance, risk assessments, and compliance guidance.
  4. SAI360 Integrated GRC A cloud-based GRC platform that includes guidance for developing a privacy policy through PIA and risk assessment.
  5. Mandatly Intelligent Assessment A privacy standards compliance system that starts with a guided PIA service.
  6. Privado A cloud-based subscription service that includes full GDPR compliance, including a privacy impact assessment tool.

You can read more about each of these options in the following sections.

Data privacy risks

If you hold information on individuals in a digital format, you need to organize a data privacy strategy. Data about people is called “Personally Identifiable Information,” or PII. If that data relates to health treatment or health insurance, it is called “Protected Health Information” (PHI). Payment card details are collectively known as “PAN.” This stands for “primary account number,” which is the top piece of information that indexes all payment-related data that you might hold on individuals, so generally, “PAN” refers to PII for payments.

Understandably, PII, PHI, and PAN should be protected. Hackers can commit many types of fraud with this data. Those scams ruin people’s lives and can take years to untangle. They also threaten the viability of the world’s financial system and could potentially bankrupt the global insurance sector if it is not tackled.

Although hackers have many ways to trick individuals into disclosing their social security numbers, payment card details, and login credentials for many online systems, getting a complete customer database from a company is a bigger gold mine. The potential for fraudulent gain for hackers that steal PII from companies is far greater than with person-by-person phishing tactics.

Data privacy strategies

A significant advantage of industry data protection standards and national privacy legislation is that they give you a requirement to aim for. Essentially, they provide a framework couched in legal jargon. You just have to decode the legalese to get an instant data privacy strategy laid out. This even means that following one of those standards is a good idea even if you don’t operate in an area of business or work with customers in places covered by these rules.

A lot of these rules boil down to common sense. Some rulings are annoying, such as the EU’s GDPR requirement that PII can’t be moved out of the EU for storage or processing without consent. However, all rules need to be complied with, and they don’t offer a menu of options. There are different rules for different types of data. However, these can be segmented into PII, PHI, and PAN.

Your data privacy strategy will be slightly different depending on what type of data you hold. However, adopting one of the significant data protection standards offers a solid guideline for your data privacy strategy.

Privacy impact assessments

A Privacy Impact Assessment (PIA) is also known as a Data Protection Impact Assessment (DPIA). These are mandated by many of the data protection laws, such as GDPR, as a starting point for any business that holds PII, PHI, or PAN.

A PIA is a type of risk assessment. You will need to examine both your internal procedures and systems and also all external relationships. The working practices of your suppliers and associates are also crucial in a PIA if you share information on individuals with those other companies.

Examining your IT systems, you might discover that some of the processing performed is carried out by other companies that provide plug-in services. Some data might be stored on cloud servers, which is an issue that needs to be addressed – the provider of those services or server spaces are equally responsible for protecting the data their systems are involved with.

When you decide that your business needs a data privacy policy, you will start with a PIA. Once your data protection strategy is in place, you will need to perform a PIA as part of any project’s scoping phase. For example, if you are buying new software, moving to a new building, adding on a service, or starting a new division.

There are guidelines for privacy impact assessments available. However, these are not contained in legislation and are usually proprietary frameworks created by consultancies. So, if you want an off-the-shelf framework to follow, you will probably have to pay for it.

In the old days, when implementing a project, you would start by creating or buying a folder full of document formats. Now we are in the digital age, and those folders are software packages. These are made up of screens that you have to fill in with information about your business and the data you hold.

So, when you start your privacy impact assessment project, you will need a privacy impact assessment tool. It is also essential to know which data privacy standards your operations and data retention habits require. If your business operates on the Web, you could well be liable to comply with several standards.

The best Privacy Impact Assessment (PIA) tools

It is essential to distinguish between PIA and data protection software. The privacy impact system isn’t intended to implement privacy security for data. Instead, this is a tool that helps you set your data privacy policy.

Some platforms include PIA and data protection measures. These are called GRC systems. “GRC” stands for “governance, risk management, and compliance.” GRC tools help with policy formation in the “governance” part of their name. Data governance can also be tied to a business continuity plan because the places that data is held and methods for backing it up are part of both strategies.

What should you look for in a privacy impact assessment tool? 

We reviewed the market for PIA software and analyzed the options based on the following criteria:

  • A platform that offers PII management policy guidance
  • A system that includes plans for handling user consent and record requests
  • A tool that provides recommendations for secure working practices
  • A system that contains recommendations for roles and responsibilities
  • A program that can be tailored to specific data protection standards
  • An opportunity to assess the system without cost
  • Value for money in a system that will create legally secure procedures

Although implementing a data privacy policy might seem to be a one-time event, you will need to use the PIA system every time you engage in a new system expansion project. Be aware that you will need PIA software as an ongoing administration tool.

The PIA software will put working practices, audit goals, action logging requirements, risk assessments, and mitigation strategies that tie into a range of data privacy standards.

1. Vigilant Software DPIA Tool

Vigilant Software DPIA Tool

The Vigilant Software DPIA Tool is about as exact as you can get when looking for a PIA system. This is a cloud-based system that anyone can use without the need for any legal or technical knowledge.

Key Features:

  • Strategy Guidance: The DPIA (Data Protection Impact Assessment) Tool from Vigilant Software provides strategic guidance to organizations for conducting thorough data protection assessments.
  • Risk Assessment: It offers robust risk assessment capabilities, allowing organizations to identify potential risks associated with data processing activities.
  • GDPR Governance: Vigilant Software’s DPIA Tool is tailored specifically for GDPR governance, ensuring compliance with GDPR requirements.
  • Identification of Governance Areas: The tool effectively identifies areas within the business that require governance and compliance with GDPR regulations, providing clarity on data protection responsibilities.

Why do we recommend it?

Vigilant Software DPIA Tool is comprehensive and easy to use. This system is designed to implement GDPR. The tool is based in the cloud and is updated whenever GDPR requirements change. The system is methodical, which makes it easy to use and it doesn’t skip over background research stages.

The system works like a wizard, giving the user a path of input requirements that guide the process. It will help you to identify data security risks and rank their impact. This is a system that you will keep running throughout your ongoing operations. Periodically, you will need to review and update DPIAs in response to system expansion projects.

The tool includes goal setting for PIA creation. It has graphics in the dashboard and report formats that you can use to provide achievements and communicate the purpose of the PIA to associates and other stakeholders.

Who is it recommended for?

This tool is suitable for all sizes of businesses. The price is a little heavy for small businesses but it is cheaper than hiring a GDPR consultant. The system assumes no prior knowledge of GDPR, so you don’t get caught out by missed steps that other packages or experts might assume you know already.


  • Easy to Follow: The tool is designed to be easy to follow, ensuring that users can navigate through the DPIA process without technical complexities.
  • Structured Wizards on Cloud: The DPIA Tool is structured as wizards hosted on the cloud, making it accessible to anyone without technical expertise.
  • User-Friendly Setup: Users can easily set up and use the tool without requiring advanced technical abilities, making it suitable for a wide range of users within an organization.
  • Comprehensive Reporting: The DPIA Tool generates detailed graphs, charts, and reports that can be distributed to stakeholders, facilitating communication and decision-making regarding data protection measures.


  • Limited Scope: The tool is focused solely on GDPR and does not extend its coverage to other data protection standards or regulations. This limitation may be a drawback for organizations operating under multiple regulatory frameworks.

This system works explicitly towards setting up a system of governance for GDPR compliance. The service is charged for by subscription, and you can choose to pay for it either monthly or annually. The company offers a 30-day free trial implemented as a first month’s subscription that is not charged for.


Vigilant Software DPIA Tool is our top pick for a privacy impact assessment system because it focuses on one task – working towards GDPR compliance – and does it well. The dashboard for this service includes a guided workflow that anyone can use. You can use this system to review your governance strategy and adjust as your IT system expands.

Get a 30-day free trial:

Operating system: Cloud-based

2. OneTrust Assessment Automation

OneTrust Assessment Automation

The OneTrust Assessment Automation service performs guided system and procedural assessments to create a data protection impact assessment, leading to the formulation of a GDPR-compliant data protection strategy.

Key Features:

  • Automated Privacy Assessment Templates: OneTrust offers pre-built templates based on the latest privacy laws and frameworks, such as GDPR, HIPAA, and others.
  • Risk Visualization and Management: Provides tools to visualize and manage risks identified during assessments, helping organizations prioritize and address the most critical issues.
  • Collaboration Tools: Enables collaboration across departments and stakeholders, ensuring that all relevant parties can contribute to and view assessments, enhancing transparency and compliance.
  • Templates of To-Do Lists: OneTrust provides templates for to-do lists, aiding organizations in implementing corrective actions and achieving compliance goals efficiently.
  • Form-Driven Investigative Planner: The tool features a form-driven investigative planner, enabling users to gather detailed information and insights for assessment purposes.

Why do we recommend it?

OneTrust Assessment Automation is part of the OneTrust Compliance Management platform. This SaaS platform provides paths to gain accreditation for a list of standards and then methods to ensure compliance. Standards covered by OneTrust include GDPR, CCPA, CPRA, LGPD, PCI DSS, and HIPAA. Processes include data discovery and classification.

The assessment system is based on a series of templates. The service requires that the administrator declares a series of roles with specific data management responsibilities. Each of those responsible officers has a series of investigative questionnaires to work through. This process is a plan with working practices, data handling procedures, and IT security requirements fully defined.

The templates in the OneTrust system are adaptable. This considers the fact that different types of organizations have other working practices and requirements for data sources. Each template covers a specific investigation, such as risk assessment, third-party risk assessment, data breach mitigation procedures, and data subject rights.

The interface of the assessment service is built to support collaboration. Each department will have tasks to perform within this system, and all of these workflows will channel through to the assembly of a completed plan.

Who is it recommended for?

This package is very suitable for very large and complicated international businesses. The full menu of services won’t be needed by single nation businesses and the service is probably a little too pricey for small businesses. The platform isn’t a single package but you choose those modules and services that you need from a menu.


  • Streamlined Compliance Processes: By automating assessments and utilizing pre-built templates, OneTrust helps organizations save time and ensure compliance with a variety of international privacy laws.
  • Enhanced Data Accuracy: Integration with existing data systems helps ensure that assessments are based on accurate and current data, thereby enhancing the reliability of compliance processes.
  • Cloud Platform: OneTrust Assessment Automation operates on a cloud-based platform, ensuring accessibility and scalability for organizations of varying sizes.
  • Improved Working Practices: The tool results in altered working practices and reporting structures, promoting a culture of compliance and data protection awareness.


  • Work Guides Over Technical Solutions: One potential drawback is that the tool primarily provides work guides and recommendations rather than offering technical solutions or automated workflows.

The One Trust system will see you through to the implementation of your data privacy plan. The platform also includes systems for consent management and compliance auditing. You assess the OneTrust system on a 14-day free trial.

3. TrustArc Assessment Manager

TrustArc Assessment Manager

The TrustArc Assessment Manager performs a gap analysis and risk assessment of your system for the data that it holds and the type of activities that your company engages in. These inputs determine the standards you need to follow and how you will strategize your business processes. This system simultaneously builds auditing processes and puts a process tracking system to create an audit trail. So, TrustArc will see you through your IT governance and data standard compliance tasks.

Key Features:

  • Automated Assessment Tools: TrustArc provides automated tools to conduct Privacy Impact Assessments (PIAs) and Data Protection Impact Assessments (DPIAs), following GDPR, CCPA, and other requirements.
  • Customizable Templates: It includes customizable templates that help streamline the assessment process for different regulatory needs, which can be tailored to the specific business context and data handling practices.
  • Integrated Privacy Intelligence: TrustArc leverages an integrated privacy intelligence framework that provides guidance based on the latest regulatory changes and best practices
  • Dashboard and Reporting: Offers comprehensive dashboards and reporting capabilities that give insights into the privacy posture of the organization
  • System Risk Assessment: TrustArc Assessment Manager conducts thorough system risk assessments, identifying potential vulnerabilities and risks to data security.

Why do we recommend it?

TrustArc Assessment Manager solves the problem of making systems affordable with “one size fits all” solutions by allowing adaptation that caters to businesses that would otherwise have to look for a bespoke consultancy service. The assessment forms in this package have customizable fields and the data you put in there appears in the assessment dashboard.

This service provides a series of templates that act as questionnaires and create an investigation workflow. You have tasks to complete, information to discover, and fields to fill in the templates hosted in the cloud-based system dashboard. The templates include explanations and AI-based consistency checks that will help you to make sure you filled in all of the required information correctly.

Who is it recommended for?

The TrustArc system will appeal to business managers who constantly feel that software providers don’t understand their businesses. If your business is a little bit different from the standard enterprise and it annoys you that you have to use workarounds to get data into the computer, this system is for you.


  • Flexibility and Customization: The availability of customizable templates means that TrustArc can be adapted to a wide range of industries and regulatory requirements.
  • Regulatory Guidance: The platform includes up-to-date information on privacy regulations, providing valuable guidance to ensure compliance.
  • Auditing System Creation: It facilitates the creation of an auditing system, enabling organizations to monitor compliance efforts and track progress over time.
  • Reporting Systems: The tool focuses on building manual and automated reporting systems, allowing for efficient documentation of compliance activities and results.
  • Suitable for GDPR and CCPA: TrustArc Assessment Manager is well-suited for compliance with GDPR and CCPA, addressing key requirements of these regulations.


  • Complexity for Smaller Organizations: The comprehensive nature of the tool may be more than what is needed for smaller organizations, leading to a steeper learning curve and potentially underutilized features.

The templates come in sets, and you choose which pack to use according to whether your goal is GDPR or CCPA compliance or some other business strategy requirement that relates to data privacy. You can schedule a demo to get a look at the TrustArc Assessment Manager.

4. SAI360 Integrated GRC

SAI360 Integrated GRC

SAI360 Integrated GRC is a system management platform that imposes the necessary checks and controls for data privacy assurance in any business. The IT Governance system is a template-based service that helps you onboard your business into the GRC platform of BWise. In effect, this lays down the prerequisites that the system demands to get your system fitted into the data control service of the GRC system.

Key Features:

  • Integrated GRC Capabilities: SAI360 offers a unified platform that integrates various GRC functionalities, including risk management, compliance, policy management, and ethics and learning.
  • Dynamic Risk Assessment Tools: The platform includes dynamic risk assessment tools that adapt to changes in the regulatory landscape and organizational changes, providing continuous insights into risk exposure.
  • Workflow Automation: SAI360 streamlines workflows related to PIAs and other assessments by automating processes, from data collection to reporting. This reduces manual efforts and increases efficiency.
  • Advanced Reporting and Dashboards: Features comprehensive reporting tools and customizable dashboards that provide real-time visibility into the organization’s privacy posture and compliance status.

Why do we recommend it?

SAI360 Integrated GRC is a cloud platform that provides tools for initial assessment and then ongoing compliance enforcement. The platform has many modules and you will not use the whole system. This platform provides guides on working practices as well as automated data discovery and management functions.

BWise GRC is adaptable and can be specified to enforce compliance to more than 400 different data privacy standards. GDPR, CCPA, HIPAA, and PCI DSS are among those options.

Who is it recommended for?

SAI360 provides tailored solutions for insurance and healthcare systems and there are internal data controls for SOX and ESG categorization functions as well as data privacy assessments. All of the solutions on the SAI360 platform are designed for use by large corporations. The price of the service is beyond the reach of small enterprises.


  • Scalability and Flexibility: SAI360 is scalable and can handle the needs of both small businesses and large enterprises. Its broad range of tools and configurable nature allows it to cater to various industry needs.
  • Enhanced Decision-Making: With its real-time data analytics and reporting, SAI360 helps organizations make informed decisions about privacy risk management, compliance strategies, and resource allocation.
  • Mitigation, Reporting, and Auditing Services: The tool identifies the need for mitigation measures, robust reporting capabilities, and auditing services, aiding in the management of risks and compliance requirements.
  • Suitable for Multiple Regulations: SAI360 Integrated GRC is suitable for addressing regulatory requirements such as GDPR, CCPA, PCI DSS, and HIPAA, ensuring compliance across various industries.


  • Funnels Towards BWise Governance System: A potential limitation is that the tool primarily funnels organizations towards adopting the BWise governance system, which may limit flexibility in choosing alternative platforms.
  • Implementation Time: Deploying SAI360 can be time-consuming, requiring significant upfront investment in terms of configuration, training, and integration with existing systems.

The IT Governance system includes risk assessment for IT systems and system assessments for data processing, including data risk categorizations for each type of data that your company holds. Along with the process of assessing the business to get it fully managed by the GRC service, the IT Governance system helps you to put in place procedures for data loss mitigation and reporting structures to audit for compliance and report on security failures. You can request a demo of the GRC platform.

5. Mandatly Intelligent Assessment

Mandatly Intelligent Assessment

Mandatly Intelligent Assessment helps you identify the scope of an assessment, set system boundaries for investigations, set project members and responsibilities, and allocate tasks to each member for data entry into the assessment system.

Key Features:

  • Assessment Project Formation: Mandatly Intelligent Assessment helps in structuring and organizing assessment projects, ensuring a systematic approach to risk evaluation and compliance requirements.
  • Templates for Assessment: The tool offers a library of templates that facilitate the assessment process, providing predefined structures for conducting investigations and gathering relevant data.
  • Produces Data Management Plan: Mandatly Intelligent Assessment generates data management plans, outlining strategies for handling and securing data obtained during assessments.

Why do we recommend it?

Mandatly Intelligent Assessment is part of a platform of data privacy enforcement systems. Each unit is provided as a standalone subscription but you can combine units to get fully comprehensive compliance management. The Intelligent Assessment service is the PIA unit on the platform and it provides a high degree of investigation automation through system searches.

This is a template-based system that provides a framework for privacy impact assessments. This is a well-guided step-by-step process that anyone can manage. The workflows implemented by the template framework will be tailored automatically to the specific standards that you need to follow.

The privacy impact assessment system extends on through to implementation. It includes risk assessments both for internal procedures and for the actions of the third parties with which your company shares data or responsibility for data management.

The Mandatly Intelligent Assessment system will provide a data management plan with a focus on sensitive data stores. It also helps you to put into place audit trails and mitigation procedures. These can also tie into your company’s business continuity plan. The system generates data maps and risk assessment reports.

Who is it recommended for?

This is a mid-market solution. The Intelligent Assessment module is just within the reach of small businesses and Mandatly offers an All-in-One package that includes DSAR management, cookie consent, and a data inventory unit as well as the Intelligent Assessment module. That bundle covers GDPR, CCPA, and LGPD.


  • Guidance on Team Formation: It provides guidance on forming a risk assessment team, ensuring the right expertise and roles are included for effective evaluations.
  • Library of Templates: The tool’s library of templates streamlines the investigation process, saving time and effort by offering predefined formats for collecting and analyzing data.
  • Integration with Business Continuity: Mandatly Intelligent Assessment can be linked to a business continuity plan, aligning risk assessments with broader organizational strategies for resilience and continuity.


  • Manual Investigation Forms: A potential limitation is that the tool primarily consists of forms for manual investigations, which may lack the automation and advanced analytics capabilities found in some comprehensive GRC platforms.

The Mandatly service is suitable for businesses that need to implement compliance with GDPR, CCPA, and Brazil’s LGPD. You can schedule a demo of the Intelligence Assessment system, and it is also possible to ask for access to the free edition.

6. Privado


Privado is a cloud-based subscription service that includes support tools for all phases of data privacy management, including a privacy impact assessment service. The Privado system is centered on a data mapping service and a cookie consent manager. However, the company has built an entire GRC system around these two core tools, and those facilities include a privacy impact assessment module.

Key Features:

  • Compliance Tracking: It tracks compliance against various regulations and provides templates that are pre-configured to align with specific legal requirements
  • Data Mapping: Privado offers data mapping capabilities, allowing users to visualize and understand the flow of data within their systems, helping in compliance and risk management.
  • Cookie Consent: The platform includes features for managing cookie consent, which is crucial for websites to comply with privacy regulations like GDPR.
  • Automated Tools: Privado provides automated tools that assist in identifying sensitive data, enhancing data protection efforts and regulatory compliance.

Why do we recommend it?

Privado provides vulnerability scanning with data discovery and classification. This platform evolved from a cookie consent product, which is still available. However, the tool now offers data flow analysis with code scanning for each application in your processing suite and a data location tracker. Compliance preparations are based on a library of assessment forms.

The Privado platform is marketed in several packages – there are four editions. The first edition of the Privado system is free to use. However, that plan doesn’t include PIA functions. The paid plans are called Lite, Pro, and Growth. Although the Lite plan has automated assessments, these don’t amount to PIAs. You need the Pro or growth plans for those.

Who is it recommended for?

This tool is aimed at businesses that use cloud applications and it is also useful for companies that develop their own software. The Privado service is aimed at SMBs and is a lot more affordable than the high-end package for large organizations that are also on our list.


  • Ease of Use: Designed with a focus on user experience, Privado is accessible to users who may not be experts in privacy law, making it easier for a broad range of stakeholders to participate in the compliance process.
  • Real-Time Compliance Updates: Stays updated with the latest changes in privacy regulations, providing users with ongoing guidance and ensuring that assessments are always current.
  • Automated Identification of Sensitive Data: Privado’s automated tools streamline the process of identifying sensitive data, reducing manual efforts and improving accuracy in data protection practices.
  • Suitable for GDPR and CCPA: Privado is designed to align with regulations such as GDPR and CCPA, ensuring that organizations can meet legal requirements regarding data privacy and protection.


  • GRC Not Included in Free Edition: The free edition of Privado may not include Governance, Risk, and Compliance (GRC) features, which could be a limitation for organizations requiring advanced compliance management functionalities.
  • Scope of Functionality: While effective for PIAs and compliance management, Privado may not offer broader risk management or cybersecurity features that some organizations might require for a more holistic GRC approach.

The Privado system is suitable for businesses that need to comply with GDPR or CCPA. The tools in the package include sensitive data locators, a data mapper, a security risk assessor, and a consent manager. The system also manages the process of gaining consent for data retention and data movement across borders. You can request a demo of Privado for a no-cost assessment.