Best SSL Checkers

Having an SSL certificate is a critical step for making your customers confident to visit your site. If your site doesn’t have an SSL certificate or your certificate expires, it can quickly lose your customers. Therefore, checking your site’s SSL certificate status and the expiration date is essential for ensuring that your place is always safe for visitors.  In this article, we’re going to look at the best SSL checkers on the market.

The list includes a mixture of tools you can use to monitor SSL certificates for single and multiple SSL sites, from complete website monitoring solutions to free online TLS Certificate lookup tools and open-source utilities. We’ve prioritized tools with a comprehensive dashboard and alerting features that make it easy for users to track the status of SSL certificates.

Here is our list of the eleven best SSL checkers:

  1. SolarWinds Pingdom (FREE TRIAL) Website monitoring platform with continuous SSL certificate monitoring, with alerts, dashboards, and more. Get a 30-day free trial.
  2. Site24x7 SSL Certificate Monitoring (FREE TRIAL) This service is part of the platform’s Website Monitoring features and can combine with synthetic and real user monitoring for sites. Start a 30-day free trial.
  3. Invicti Web vulnerability scanner with SSL certificate scanning, IAST scanning, DAST scanning, dashboards, reports, and more.
  4. Acunetix Web vulnerability scanning with TLS/SSL certificate scanning, dashboards, reports, integrations, and more.
  5. StatusCake This platform provides SSL certificate monitoring along with DNS tracking, page load measurements, and availability tests – it has free and paid editions.
  6. Qualys SSL Labs Free online SSL checker that allows you to enter a URL and check your site’s SSL certification.
  7. Comodo SSL Checker Online SSL certificate checker you can use to search for a URL and check for an SSL certificate.
  8. Geekflare SSL/TLS Vulnerability and Configuration Scanner Free SSL checker and vulnerability scanner that allows you to check your SSL certificate and vulnerabilities.
  9. OpenSSL Open source software library based on the command line to check and verify SSL certificates.
  10. TrackSSL Online SSL certificate monitoring software with notifications, integrations with Slack, and more.
  11. Sematext Synthetics Web and transaction monitoring software with SSL/TLS Certificate monitoring, alerts, reports, and more.

Our methodology for selecting SSL Checker Tools:

We’ve broken down our analysis for you based on these key criteria:

  • Accuracy of SSL Certificate Verification: Prioritizes tools that provide detailed and accurate information about the SSL/TLS certificate, including issuer, expiration date, and any potential vulnerabilities.
  • Ease of Use: Tools should be straightforward to use, requiring minimal technical knowledge to obtain SSL certificate details.
  • Alerts and Monitoring Capabilities: Preference for SSL checkers that offer continuous monitoring and send timely alerts before certificates expire.
  • Integration Options: Looks for tools that can seamlessly integrate with other platforms or services, enhancing workflow and alert responsiveness.
  • Security and Compliance Reporting: Selects tools that not only check the validity of SSL certificates but also offer insights into compliance with security standards.

The Best SSL Checkers 

1. SolarWinds Pingdom (FREE TRIAL)

SolarWinds Pingdom

SolarWinds Pingdom is a website monitoring solution that you can use to monitor SSL certificates continuously. With SolarWinds Pingdom, you can monitor the SSL certificates of your websites by using HTTPS uptime checks. Then, if there is an error with your certificate or it expires, the solution will send you an alert to take action.

Key Features:

  • SSL Monitoring: Ensures continuous surveillance of SSL certificates to prevent unexpected expirations.
  • Uptime Checks: Monitors website availability consistently, alerting you to downtimes.
  • Custom Alerts: Configurable notifications for certificate expiry via various channels.
  • Intuitive Dashboard: Offers a clear view of website status, including response times and uptime trends.

Why do we recommend it?

SolarWinds Pingdom is recommended for its robust SSL certificate and website uptime monitoring capabilities, ensuring that your website remains secure and reliably accessible to users.

You can configure alerts to notify you between a day or a month before the certificate expires. Alerts can be sent by email, push notification, and SMS messages. They can also be integrated with tools like Slack, Hipchat, and PagerDuty to ensure that you don’t miss out on critical information.

You can also use SolarWinds Pingdom to monitor the general uptime of your websites. Through the dashboard, you can view the status of each website, with graphs that enable you to track response time and uptime over time. This allows you to identify general service disruptions.

Who is it recommended for?

Ideal for organizations of all sizes seeking a comprehensive monitoring tool to maintain website security and performance.


  • Comprehensive SSL Tracking: Seamlessly monitors SSL certificates to avoid security breaches.
  • Diverse Alert Options: Flexible alert configurations ensure you’re informed before certificate expiry.
  • Versatile Integration: Compatible with popular communication tools for streamlined alerts.
  • Performance Insights: Provides detailed analytics on website uptime and response times.


  • Pricing: Monthly cost may be a consideration for smaller businesses or individuals.
  • Alert Overload: Potential for frequent notifications depending on settings, which may overwhelm users.

SolarWinds Pingdom is a good choice for organizations looking for an uptime monitoring tool with continuous SSL certificate monitoring. Pricing starts at $10 (£7.35) per month for the Synthetic Monitoring package, which supports uptime monitoring for up to 10 sites. You can start the free trial via this link here.


SolarWinds Pingdom emerges as our top website monitoring tool due to its comprehensive approach in overseeing SSL certificates with relentless precision. Beyond its ability to perform continuous SSL certificate monitoring, it distinguishes itself with an intuitive alert system designed to preemptively notify users of potential certificate issues, thereby averting downtime.

The integration of alerts with popular communication platforms such as Slack and PagerDuty enhances its appeal, ensuring that critical alerts never go unnoticed. The dashboard’s ability to visually track website uptime and response time offers invaluable insights into website performance, facilitating timely interventions.

The blend of these features, coupled with a starting price that offers significant value for monitoring up to 10 sites, makes SolarWinds Pingdom a standout choice for organizations prioritizing both website uptime and secure, reliable SSL certificate management. You can start the free trial here.

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OS: Cloud-Based

2. Site24x7 SSL Certificate Monitoring (FREE TRIAL)


The Site24x7 SSL Certificate Monitoring service is a tracker of the monitoring account holder’s SSL certificate rather than a checker for the certificates of sites that users of the business visit. The tracker follows all enrolled SSL certificates, no matter how new they are, and provides details of each certificate.

Key Features:

  • Comprehensive Tracking: Monitors all your SSL certificates across various platforms.
  • Immediate Alerts: Notifies you of any issues or upcoming expirations with your certificates.
  • Versatile Application: Covers a wide range of services including servers and email systems.
  • Integrated Monitoring: Part of a broader web performance monitoring suite for holistic management.
  • Global Reach: Operates from 120 locations worldwide for thorough website performance insights.

Why do we recommend it?

Site24x7 SSL Certificate Monitoring is highly recommended for its comprehensive and proactive approach to SSL certificate management, ensuring businesses of all sizes stay informed and secure.

You might have a number of SSL certificates to track and sometimes, large organizations can just forget to check on their expiry and small businesses might not be aware that SSL certificates need to be managed. So, this tool is a useful helper for all sizes of businesses.

The SSL Certificate Monitoring service is part of the Website Monitoring tools on the Site24x7 platform. These systems can all be activated from different locations. Site24x7 runs servers in 120 locations around the globe for website performance monitoring and the SSL Certificate Monitoring service can be launched from any of these.

The entire Site24x7 platform provides monitoring services for networks, servers, infrastructure, and applications, including Web applications. The package also has some system management modules, such as its Log Manager and Network Configuration Manager.

Who is it recommended for?

Perfect for businesses seeking a centralized solution to monitor SSL certificates alongside servers, infrastructure, and application performance, particularly those with a global online presence.


  • All-in-One Management: Centralizes the tracking of numerous SSL certificates for easier management.
  • Proactive Notifications: Ensures you’re always ahead of certificate expirations or problems.
  • Broad Service Coverage: Effective for tracking certificates on servers, FTP, email, and web domains.
  • Extensive Monitoring Capabilities: Benefits from integration with Site24x7’s extensive monitoring tools.


  • Complexity for Small Businesses: The broad scope of features may be overwhelming for smaller setups.
  • Plan Integration: Necessitates purchasing additional modules for complete monitoring solutions.

You buy plans that combine modules, so you can supplement your SSL certificate checker with Email Server monitoring, Synthetic Monitoring, and Real User Monitoring for websites. The entire platform can be experienced on a 30-day free trial.

Site 24x7 Certificate Monitoring Start a 30-day FREE Trial

3. Invicti


Invicti is a web vulnerability scanner that can identify if your site has an invalid SSL certificate. Invicti also uses IAST and DAST scanning to identify vulnerabilities. The platform’s IAST sensor can also provide insight into the root cause of exposures, such as injected payloads, exploits, and stack traces.

Key Features:

  • SSL Inspection: Identifies issues with SSL certificates to maintain website integrity.
  • Advanced Scanning: Utilizes IAST and DAST techniques for deep vulnerability detection.
  • Insightful Dashboards: Visualize scanning results and severity of vulnerabilities at a glance.
  • Detailed Reporting: Offers preconfigured and custom reports for thorough analysis.
  • Timely Notifications: Alerts you via email and SMS about detected vulnerabilities and their severity.

Why do we recommend it?

Invicti stands out for its dual focus on SSL certificate integrity and comprehensive web vulnerability scanning, making it a formidable tool for enterprise security.

After the platform detects a vulnerability, it categorizes its severity as Low, Medium, High, or Critical so that you can focus on remediating the most significant weaknesses first. Scanning results can be viewed through the dashboard or with preconfigured and custom reports. There are also compliance reports for PCI DSS, OWASP Top 10, and HIPAA, so they can help you improve your compliance posture.

There is also a notification system that sends users email and SMS notifications based on configured rules. This enables you to view notifications after the system completes a scan or if it identifies a particular vulnerability, such as an invalid SSL certificate.

Who is it recommended for?

Recommended for large enterprises looking for an in-depth SSL scanning solution that also offers extensive vulnerability detection and analysis capabilities.


  • Holistic Vulnerability Assessment: Combines SSL certificate scanning with advanced web vulnerability detection.
  • Critical Insights: Provides deep analysis, including the root cause of vulnerabilities.
  • Compliance Support: Generates reports aiding in PCI DSS, OWASP, and HIPAA compliance.
  • Prioritization of Threats: Helps focus on rectifying the most critical vulnerabilities first.


  • Complex Setup: May require a steep learning curve for effective deployment and use.
  • Direct Sales Inquiry: Pricing and detailed product information require direct contact with the sales team.

Invicti is a tool that’s recommended for enterprises that want a simple SSL scanning solution with web vulnerability scanning capabilities. Deployment is available on-premise and on-demand. To view pricing information for this product, you need to contact the sales team directly to request a quote. You can also schedule a demo via this link here.

4. Acunetix 


Acunetix is a web vulnerability scanner that can notify you when your TLS or SSL certificate is about to expire. With Acunetix, you can scan your website and third-party software for over 7,000 vulnerabilities, including SQL injection, cross-site scripting, misconfigurations, exposed databases, and more.

Key Features:

  • SSL/TLS Tracking: Alerts you before SSL/TLS certificates expire to maintain site integrity.
  • Broad Vulnerability Detection: Scans for over 7,000 types of vulnerabilities for comprehensive security.
  • Centralized Dashboard: Provides a color-coded overview of site vulnerabilities for easy assessment.
  • Regulatory Compliance: Generates reports for HIPAA, PCI-DSS, and ISO/IEC 27001 to ensure compliance.
  • Seamless Integrations: Compatible with popular development and issue-tracking tools for streamlined workflows.

Why do we recommend it?

Acunetix is recommended for its dual capability to monitor SSL/TLS certificate statuses while providing a thorough vulnerability scan, making it a solid choice for maintaining web security and compliance.

When scanning your site for vulnerabilities, you can view the results through the dashboard. The dashboard provides you with a color-coded overview of vulnerabilities discovered. For instance, you can view the total number of Low Severity Vulnerabilities, Medium Security Vulnerabilities, and High Severity Vulnerabilities, as well as the top vulnerabilities on your site.

There are also preconfigured compliance reports for HIPAA, PCI-DSS, ISO/IEC 27001, and other regulations, which help document the security of your site. When considering that you can integrate with other solutions like Jira, Jenkins, GitHub, GitLab, TFS, Bugzilla, and Mantis, you’re in an excellent position to make incremental improvements.

Who is it recommended for?

Ideal for enterprises and large organizations that require a robust web vulnerability scanner that includes SSL/TLS monitoring and comprehensive compliance reporting capabilities.


  • Comprehensive Security Scan: Capable of detecting a wide array of web vulnerabilities, enhancing site security.
  • Proactive Certificate Monitoring: Keeps your site’s SSL/TLS certifications up to date, avoiding interruptions.
  • Visual Vulnerability Insights: The dashboard offers an intuitive, at-a-glance view of site vulnerabilities.
  • Compliance Simplified: Assists in meeting various regulatory standards with detailed compliance reports.


  • Cost Consideration: Starting price may be a barrier for smaller entities or individual developers.
  • Complexity for New Users: The depth of features and analysis might overwhelm those new to web security.

Acunetix is suitable for enterprises that want to monitor their SSL certificate status and monitor vulnerabilities. Pricing options depend on the number of websites you want to scan. Prices start at $4,500 (£3,307) for 1 website. You can request a demo via this link here.

5. StatusCake

StatusCake screenshot

StatusCake offers SSL certification as part of a full platform of website monitoring services. The SSL certificate checker watches the expiration date of your SSL certificate and warns you when it is approaching to ensure that you don’t miss it. You can decide when you want alerts to be sent with options for a notification one, 14, and 30 days before that date.

Key Features:

  • Expiry Notifications: Alerts you before your SSL certificate expires to ensure continuous security.
  • SSL Analysis: Evaluates your SSL setup, providing a security score.
  • Uptime Monitoring: Checks your website’s availability with customizable intervals.
  • Speed Testing: Measures page loading times from various locations for optimal performance.
  • DNS Safety: Monitors DNS records to prevent unauthorized changes.

Why do we recommend it?

StatusCake stands out for its thorough approach to website monitoring, especially its SSL certification checks and performance assessments, ensuring your site remains secure and performs well globally.

StatusCake provides the essential checks that every website owner needs. The system lets you know when your SSL certificate is about to expire and performs the same service for domain registration. It also assesses the setup and usage of your SSL system, giving a score on its security. The tool will detect if your site has been put on a blacklist and ensures that your DNS records haven’t been hijacked.

The most frequently launched feature of the StatusCake package is its availability tester. This system will send a request every five minutes, one minute, or 30 seconds depending on your plan. The system offers a choice of 30 launch locations for those tests and you can run regular tests from multiple locations simultaneously.

The availability tester can be pointed to specific elements in your site, such as externally provided elements or content delivery networks. The platform can be used to test server and API availability.

Another feature of this package is its page load speed assessor. Like the availability test, this monitoring unit can be launched from many locations. This lets you see the relative performance of your site or content delivery network according to the location of each visitor. The page load speed tester accounts for the possibility that speeds can vary over time and you can set a performance threshold to get an alert when loading slows.

Who is it recommended for?

StatusCake is ideal for website owners and businesses of all sizes that prioritize website security, uptime, and performance, offering features tailored to a broad range of monitoring needs.


  • Timely Alerts: Customizable notifications for SSL renewal avoid lapses in security.
  • Comprehensive SSL Insights: Offers detailed analysis and scoring of SSL configurations.
  • Global Testing Reach: Availability and speed tests can be conducted from multiple global locations.
  • Security Plus: Detects potential blacklisting and protects against DNS hijacking.


  • Plan Limitations: Advanced features and more frequent tests are tied to higher-tier plans.
  • Notification Management: Managing alert thresholds and frequencies may require fine-tuning to avoid nuisance.

There are three plans for StatusCake: Free, Superior, and Business. You get the SSL certification tester with all editions. You can get a free trial of any plan, so opt for the Business edition, which is the most expensive version.

6. Qualys SSL Labs 

Qualys SSL Labs

Qualys SSL Labs is a free online service you can use to check the SSL configuration of your website. You can simply enter a hostname into a search bar, and the solution will generate a report. The report provides you with a wide range of information, including the site’s name, when the SSL certificate is valid from, valid until, and who issued it.

Key Features:

  • SSL Verification: Validates your website’s SSL certificate for authenticity and security.
  • Expiration Alert: Keeps you informed on the expiration timeline of your SSL certificate.
  • Platform Trust Check: Evaluates which major platforms recognize and trust your SSL certificate.

Why do we recommend it?

Qualys SSL Labs is highly recommended for its straightforward approach to verifying SSL certificates, ensuring that your website maintains its integrity and trustworthiness among various browsers and platforms.

You can also view what platforms trust your SSL certificate. For example, you can see if providers like Mozilla, Apple, Android, Java, Windows trust your site. This is useful for checking that customers can visit your site without being warned about the lack of confidence.

Who is it recommended for?

Qualys SSL Labs is ideal for website administrators and security professionals looking to quickly validate the SSL certificates of their websites without the need for comprehensive vulnerability scanning.


  • Effortless Navigation: A straightforward interface that allows for easy SSL certificate assessments.
  • Extensive Trust Insights: Gain clarity on platform and browser trust levels for your site’s SSL certificate.
  • Data Privacy: Assurance that information provided for SSL checks remains confidential and unused.


  • Narrow Focus: Specializes in SSL certification checks without addressing other security vulnerabilities.

SSL Labs is a useful tool to run a quick SSL certificate check without scanning for other vulnerabilities. However, it’s important to note that all information entered into the feature search isn’t reused by Qualys. You can use the tool for free by visiting the site via this link here.

7. Comodo SSL Checker 

Comodo SSL Checker

Comodo SSL Checker is an online SSL certificate checker that allows you to check if your site has a valid SSL certificate installed. The tool is easy to use, simply enter your Server Hostname into a search bar to view a report of your server IP address, server type, certificate issuer, and when your certificate expires.

Key Features:

  • SSL Status Check: Instantly examines the presence and status of an SSL certificate on your website.
  • Certificate Expiry Monitoring: Alerts you well before your SSL certificate needs renewal.
  • Trust Verification Across Browsers: Confirms your website’s SSL certificate is trusted by major browsers.

Why do we recommend it?

Comodo SSL Checker stands out for its simplicity and effectiveness in ensuring your website’s SSL certificate is valid and trusted across key browsers, making it an excellent tool for maintaining site trustworthiness.

The tool can also help verify that your site is trusted by all the main web browsers. This is vital for ensuring that you have lots of visitors to your site without any disruptive warnings that your site isn’t trusted.

Who is it recommended for?

Recommended for small business owners and webmasters who need a quick and reliable method to verify the SSL certification of their websites, ensuring secure and trusted user experiences.


  • Straightforward Use: Input your hostname for a quick SSL certificate analysis.
  • Browser Trust Validation: Assures visitors of your site’s security across all major web browsers.


  • Limited Capabilities: Offers basic SSL checking without in-depth security audits or vulnerability detection.

Comodo SSL Checker is recommended if you require a simple tool to run manual SSL checks without any additional vulnerability scanning or reporting options. You can use the tool by visiting the site via this link here.

8. Geekflare SSL/TLS Vulnerability and Configuration Scanner

Geekflare SSL TLS vulnerability and Configuration Scanner

Geekflare SSL/TLS vulnerability and Configuration Scanner is a free SSL checker that enables you to check your site’s SSL certificate, and identify vulnerabilities. To use the tool, enter the website you want to test and you will be able to view your TLS and SSL certificate details including the Issuer, and when the certificate expires.

Key Features:

  • SSL Certification Insight: Offers detailed information on your website’s SSL certificate, including issuer and expiration.
  • Expiration Tracking: Monitors SSL certificate expiry dates, helping you renew on time.
  • Vulnerability Identification: Detects security weaknesses in your SSL/TLS setup, highlighting potential risks.
  • Vulnerability Severity Levels: Categorizes discovered vulnerabilities by severity, aiding in prioritization of fixes.

Why do we recommend it?

Geekflare’s SSL/TLS Vulnerability and Configuration Scanner is highly recommended for its comprehensive analysis of SSL certificates and the ability to uncover vulnerabilities. Its detailed reporting helps in maintaining a secure web presence.

You can also view a list of discovered vulnerabilities, with site vulnerabilities, marked as vulnerable, potentially vulnerable and not vulnerable. This enables you to see weaknesses in your site that an attacker can exploit to gain access to your systems.

Who is it recommended for?

This tool is particularly suited for enterprises looking for a no-cost solution to continuously monitor and enhance their website’s SSL/TLS security posture.


  • Comprehensive Analysis: Provides an exhaustive examination of SSL/TLS configurations and vulnerabilities.
  • Free to Use: Accessible at no cost, offering valuable insights without the investment.
  • User-Friendly Interface: Simplifies the process of checking SSL/TLS certificates and vulnerabilities.
  • Detailed Vulnerability Reports: Offers in-depth details on each identified vulnerability, including severity levels.


  • Limited to SSL/TLS: Focuses exclusively on SSL/TLS aspects, may require additional tools for complete security analysis.

Geekflare SSL/TLS Vulnerability and Configuration Scanner is a great tool for enterprises that want a free SSL checking tool that enables them to check for vulnerabilities. You can use the tool by visiting this link here.

9. OpenSSL 


OpenSSL is an open-source software library and toolkit you can use to enter commands into the command line and check and verify SSL certificates.

Key Features:

  • SSL Certificate Verification: Allows for the checking and verification of SSL certificates via command line.
  • Issuer Confirmation: Enables verification of a certificate’s issuer to ensure authenticity.
  • Expiration Monitoring: Facilitates the tracking of SSL certificate expiration dates.
  • Versatile Commands: Offers a broad range of commands for managing SSL certificates and security tasks.

Why do we recommend it?

OpenSSL stands out for its versatility and depth, offering a comprehensive toolkit for SSL certificate management and security analysis directly from the command line.

With OpenSSL you can test the SSL certificate of a URL by entering the following command:

openssl s_client -connect -showcerts 

You can also verify the issuer of a certificate by entering the following command:

openssl x 509 -in certfile.pem -noout -issuer -issuer_hash 

Suppose you want to check the expiration date of an SSL certificate. Then, in a particular URL, you can enter the following command:

Openssl s_client -connect 2>/dev/null | openssl x509 -noout -enddate 

The tool also allows you to conduct a range of other tasks, including creating a new private key or certificate signing request, an RSA private key, verifying CSR files or private keys, making it one of the most versatile solutions on this list.

Who is it recommended for?

Ideal for system administrators and developers who prefer a hands-on, command-line approach to SSL certificate management and security auditing.


  • Comprehensive SSL Toolkit: Provides a wide array of functionalities for SSL certificate management and security verification.
  • Cross-Platform Compatibility: Available on Windows, Linux, and macOS, making it accessible for a broad user base.
  • Open Source: Benefits from community-driven enhancements and updates.
  • Advanced Security Functions: Enables creation and management of private keys, CSR files, and more, offering deep security capabilities.


  • Command-Line Interface: May present a learning curve for users unfamiliar with command-line operations.

OpenSSL is a valuable tool if you want to check for SSL certificates through the command line. Available on Windows, Linux, and Mac OS. Most Linux distributions come with OpenSSL by default, but you’ll need to download it if you’re on Windows. You can download it from the OpenSSL site here.

10. TrackSSL


TrackSSL is an online SSL certificate monitoring solution that allows you to track domains and see when your SSL certificate expires. With TrackSSL, you can view a list of parts, alongside the expiry date and how many days remain until the certificate expires. This gives you complete visibility over when domains will expire.

Key Features:

  • SSL Certificate Tracking: Monitors SSL certificates across domains, alerting you before expiration.
  • Expiration Alerts: Sends notifications to keep you informed about upcoming certificate expirations.
  • Slack Notifications: Integrates with Slack for real-time SSL certificate alerts.

Why do we recommend it?

TrackSSL is recommended for its straightforward and effective monitoring of SSL certificate expirations, ensuring you never miss a renewal date.

When you monitor a domain through TrackSSL, the solution will also send you an email notification when the domain’s certificate is about to expire or if your certificates are altered. There is also a Slack integration, so they can also receive notifications if your team is working on Slack.

Who is it recommended for?

Ideal for website owners and IT teams who need a simple, automated way to track SSL certificate expirations and prefer receiving notifications through Slack or email.


  • Easy Monitoring: Simplifies the process of tracking SSL certificate expirations across multiple domains.
  • Real-Time Alerts: Keeps you updated with timely email and Slack notifications about certificate statuses.
  • User-Friendly Interface: Offers a straightforward platform for SSL certificate monitoring without unnecessary complexities.
  • Free to Use: Provides its monitoring services at no cost, making it accessible to all businesses.


  • Limited Features: Primarily focuses on SSL certificate tracking, lacking broader security analysis tools.

TrackSSL is a great choice if you require a simple online SSL certificate tracker without any additional features. Furthermore, the solution is available for free. You can sign up for the service via this link here.

11. Sematext Synthetics

sematext synthetics
Sematext Synthetics is a web and transaction monitoring tool that provides monitoring for SSL/TLS certificates. With Sematext Synthetics, you can validate the SSL certificates of websites and check the expiration date of certificates. An alerts system can also notify you 28, 14, 7, or 3 days before certificate expiry.

Key Features:

  • SSL Certificate Monitoring: Ensures timely validation and monitoring of SSL/TLS certificates.
  • Alert System: Notifies you well in advance of certificate expirations with customizable alert intervals.
  • Certificate Change Detection: Alerts you to any alterations in your SSL certificates, enhancing security oversight.
  • Comprehensive SSL Reports: Generates detailed reports on SSL certificate status, including issuer and validity period.

Why do we recommend it?

Sematext Synthetics is favored for its comprehensive approach to SSL certificate monitoring and its ability to provide early warnings for expirations, making certificate management hassle-free.

You can also use the solution to monitor changes to the certificate. The system alerts you whenever changes are made to the certification and allow you to produce a report detailing the changes made to the certificate.

There is also an SSL certificate report that provides you with an overview of your certificate alongside the name of the issue, validity period, domain names the certificate can be used for, the timestamp of the last change, and more.

The solution also loads your website in a Google Chrome browser to assess whether the certificate uses a weak signature algorithm or key, is trusted,  and has certificate transparency data. This helps ensure that your site is secure and available to users.

Who is it recommended for?

Perfect for businesses of all sizes looking to monitor their website’s SSL certificates efficiently and receive detailed reports and alerts on certificate health and changes.


  • Advanced Monitoring Features: Offers detailed insights into SSL certificates’ validity, issuer, and changes, ensuring complete visibility.
  • Customizable Alerts: Allows setting up alerts at various intervals before certificate expiry, facilitating proactive renewal.
  • Detailed Reports: Provides extensive reports on SSL certificates, including change history and security assessments.
  • Browser Simulation: Utilizes a Google Chrome browser simulation to evaluate the security of your SSL certificates.


  • Cost: While offering a comprehensive suite of features, pricing may be a consideration for smaller entities or those with many domains to monitor.

Sematext Synthetics is a top choice for enterprises that want to monitor SSL certificates conveniently and affordably. Pricing starts at $2 (£1.47) per HTTP monitor and $7 (£5.14) per browser monitor for the Pay-As-You-Go package, which supports unlimited users and APIs. You can sign up for the 14-day free trial via this link here.

Best SSL Checkers: Editor’s Choice  

If you want to check if your website’s SSL certificate has expired, there are plenty of solutions available, whether you’re looking for a free online checker or a continuous monitoring tool to alert you about when your certificate is about to expire.

Tools like Invicti and Acunetix are ideal tools for organizations that want a comprehensive SSL certificate monitoring experience, which they can conduct alongside broader vulnerability monitoring.