Metasploit Cheat Sheet header

Metasploit is an open-source penetration testing framework created by Rapid7, designed to help security professionals simulate attacks against computer systems, networks, and applications. It provides a comprehensive set of tools and modules that can be used to identify vulnerabilities, exploit them, and test the security of target systems. Metasploit is written in Ruby and offers a modular architecture, allowing users to customize and extend its capabilities.

The framework includes a user-friendly interface called msfconsole, which provides access to a wide range of functionalities, including reconnaissance, exploitation, and post-exploitation tasks. Metasploit also features a vast database of known vulnerabilities and exploits, which can be used to test systems for potential security issues. Users can create custom exploits and payloads, making it a versatile tool for both beginners and experienced penetration testers.

Metasploit is widely used by security researchers, ethical hackers, and organizations to proactively identify and address security vulnerabilities before they can be exploited by malicious actors. The tool is continuously updated and maintained by a large developer community, ensuring its relevance and effectiveness in the ever-evolving landscape of cybersecurity.

Overall, Metasploit’s extensive features, flexibility, and extensive support make it a top choice for penetration testing and security assessment. Thus, we decided to produce this reference guide to the systems commands.

All the tables provided in the PDF and JPG of the cheat sheet are also presented in tables below which are easy to copy and paste.

The metasploit cheat sheet covers:

  • Framework Components
  • Meterpreter commands
  • Process handling commands
  • Networking commands
  • Interface / output commands
  • Password management commands
  • Msfvenom command options

View or Download the Cheat Sheet JPG image

Right-click on the image below to save the JPG file (2480 width x 2030 height in pixels), or click here to open it in a new browser tab. Once the image opens in a new window, you may need to click on the image to zoom in and view the full-sized JPG.

Metasploit Cheat Sheet

View or Download the cheat sheet PDF file

You can download the Metasploit Cheat Sheet PDF. When it opens in a new browser tab, simply right-click on the PDF and navigate to the download/save selection, usually located in the top right-hand corner of the screen.

What’s included in the cheat sheet

The following categories and items have been included in the cheat sheet:

Framework Components

Framework Components

Metasploit Meterpreter

Run as a DLL injection payload on a target PC providing control over the target system

Metasploit msfvenom

Help create standalone payloads as executable, Ruby script, or shellcode

Meterpreter commands

Meterpreter commands

Basic and file handling commands


Display system information


List and display running processes

kill (PID)

Terminate a running process


Display user ID

upload or download

Upload / download a file

pwd or lpwd

Print working directory (local / remote)

cd or lcd

Change directory (local or remote)


Display file content 


Show background running scripts


Make a script run in background 


Terminate a background process


Move active session to background


Edit a file in vi editor


Access shell on the target machine


Switch to another process


Display idle time of user


Take a screenshot


Clear the system logs

? or Help 

Shoes all the commands 

exit / quit: 

Exit the Meterpreter session

shutdown / reboot

Restart system


Extension load


Show active channels

Process handling commands

Process handling commands




Display the process ID


Display the user ID


Display running processes


Stop and terminate a process


Shows multiple privileges as possible


Access target machine registry


Access target machine shell 


Run a specified


Move to a given destination process ID

Networking commands

Networking commands


Show network interface configuration


Forward packets


View / edit network routing table

Interface / output commands

Interface / output commands


Show all available desktops


Display current desktop


Start keylogger in target machine


Stop keylogger in target machine


Configure desktop 


Dump keylogger content 

Password management commands

Password management commands 


Access content of password file - Hash file

Msfvenom command options

Msfvenom command options





-p (Payload option)

Display payload standard options 


-l( list type)

List module type i.e payloads, encoders


-f (format)

Output format



Define which encoder to use


-a (Architecture or platform

Define which platform to use


-s (Space)

Define maximum payload capacity


-b (characters)

Define set of characters not to use 


-i (Number of times)

Define number of times to use encoder


-x (File name )

Define a custom file to use as template 


-o (output)

Save a payload




Metasploit FAQs

What is the command to list payloads in Metasploit?

You can list payloads with the loadpath command. There are three types of payload modules in the Metasploit Framework: Singles, Stagers, and Stages.

What is Lhost and Lport in Metasploit?

The LHOST is the IP address of the attacking computer and the LPORT is the port to listen on for a connection from the target computer. The “L” in both attribute names stands for “local”.

Does Metasploit have GUI?

You can launch the Metasploit Framework GUI with the command msfgui. This environment allows you to perform all of the tasks that are available at the command line and is easier to use.