watch Highschool DxD anywhere

Do you want to watch Highschool DxD from anywhere in the world? If you’re on vacation and away from your home country, you can watch Highschool DxD with your usual US-based subscriptions by using a Virtual Private Network. A VPN will allow you to securely stream all your favorite Highschool DxD episodes.

Keep in mind that not all streaming sources online are authorized. We strongly advise against unauthorized streaming sources that might contain malware or missing episodes due to copyright issues. You’ll have a much better viewing experience if you stick with authorized streaming sources.

How to watch Highschool DxD from anywhere

If you’re traveling abroad to anywhere in the world, you can use a VPN to securely stream Highschool DxD.

Here’s how to watch Highschool DxD from anywhere:

  1. Sign up with your VPN that is fast enough for streaming. We particularly recommend NordVPN but ExpressVPN and PrivateVPN are also good alternatives.
  2. Download the VPN software. Our recommended VPNs support Windows, macOS, iOS, and Android among others.
  3. Log in to your VPN and connect to the US server that’s closest to you.
  4. Now, go to the streaming site of your choice and log in with your usual subscription credentials.
  5. If you’re having trouble viewing your stream, try clearing your browser cache. You can also reach out to your VPN’s customer support and see if they have any suggestions.


NordVPN is offering a fully-featured risk-free 30-day trial if you sign up at this page. You can use the VPN rated #1 for streaming with no restrictions for a monthgreat if you want to binge your favorite show or are going on a short trip.

There are no hidden termsjust contact support within 30 days if you decide NordVPN isn't right for you and you'll get a full refund. Start your NordVPN trial here.

How to watch Highschool DxD in the US

How to watch Highschool DxD in the US

Season 1 of Highschool DxD is available to stream on Hulu with an account. If you don’t have a Hulu account, they offer a 30-day trial. A Hulu subscription is $6.99 a month with ads or $12.99 a month without.

Seasons 3 and 4 of Highschool DxD are available on Amazon Prime Video to buy per episode for $2.99 in HD or $1.99 in SD. You can buy Season 3 for $24.99 and Season 4 for $26.99 in HD, or for $16.99 and $17.99 in SD.

How to watch Highschool DxD in the rest of the world

If you want to watch Highschool DxD while traveling in the UK, Australia, Canada, or the rest of the world, you’ll need to use one of our recommended VPNs and connect to a US-based server, then sign into Hulu or Amazon with your US subscription credentials.

Can I use a free VPN to stream Highschool DxD abroad?

We do not recommend using free VPNs to stream Highschool DxD for a variety of reasons. The main reason is that there’s a risk the free VPN will share or compromise your personal data, exposing a security risk. Many free VPNs have also been known to contain targeted adware and pop-ups. Lastly, the stream quality is often lower and there might be missing episodes due to copyright laws.

We want you to have the best viewing experience possible, so we strongly suggest sticking to our recommended list to stream Highschool DxD.

More about the show

Highschool DxD is a Japanese “light novel”, or young adult novel meant for preteens and teeaners, by Ichiei Ishibumi and illustrated by Miyama-Zero. The novel tells the story of high school student Issei Hyodo, who dreams of being a harem king but is killed by his first date and then resurrected as an angel. When he’s revived again as a devil by the evil princess Rias Gremory, things get dangerous and Issei’s relationship with Rias becomes complicated.

Highschool DxD first became serialized in 2008 as part of Dragon Magazine by Fujimi Shobo. In 2010, it was adapted into a manga series by Hiroji Mishima and then adapted for the screen as an anime series in 2012.