Best SIEM Tools

There are 50+ SIEM solutions on the market and this guide will help you identify the right one for your organization.

Here is our list of the best SIEM tools:

  1. ManageEngine Log360 EDITOR’S CHOICE This on-premises package includes a log server and a SIEM tool to provide automated security scanning, activity analytical tools, and compliance auditing facilities. The package also includes a threat intelligence feed. The software runs on Windows Server. Start a 30-day free trial.
  2. Logpoint SIEM (ACCESS DEMO) Using UEBA for baselining, this package implements AI-drive anomaly detection for threat hunting and can instruct third-party tools in response playbooks through an integrated SOAR module. Available for Linux, AWS, and as a SaaS package. Start free demo.
  3. Datadog Security Monitoring (FREE TRIAL) A cloud-native network monitoring and management system that includes real-time security monitoring and log management. Comes with over 600 vendor integrations out-of-the-box. Start on a 14-day free trial.
  4. Graylog (FREE PLAN) This log management package includes a SIEM service extension that is available in free and paid versions and has a cloud option.
  5. ManageEngine EventLog Analyzer (FREE TRIAL) A Log Management Tool that manages, protects, and mines log files. This system installs on Windows, Windows Server, and Linux.
  6. Heimdal Threat Hunting and Action Center (GET DEMO) This platform adds threat detection and response functions to on-premises AVs from its cloud base.
  7. Trellix Helix (GET DEMO) This cloud-based system provides advanced persistent threat protection and uses SOAR to activate your existing security products for threat responses.
  8. SolarWinds Security Event Manager One of the most competitive SIEM tools on the market with a wide range of log management features. The real-time incident response makes it easy to actively manage your infrastructure and the detailed and intuitive dashboard makes this one of the easiest to use on the market. With 24/7 support, this is a clear choice for SIEM.
  9. Exabeam Fusion This cloud platform offers a security solution that could be regarded as a next-gen SIEM or a next-gen XDR.
  10. Elastic Security This package applies SIEM rules to the Elastic Stack group of products and provides live threat detection plus historical analysis. Available as a SaaS package or for installation on Windows, macOS, or Linux.
  11. Fortinet FortiSIEM This security package from a highly respected provider can be combined with other Fortinet products and is offered as a hardware appliance, a virtual appliance, or as a service on AWS.
  12. Splunk Enterprise Security This tool for Windows and Linux is a world leader because it combines network analysis with log management together with an excellent analysis tool.
  13. Rapid7 InsightIDR This combined XDR and SIEM operates threat hunting in the cloud based on data collected by site agents.
  14. LogRhythm NextGen SIEM Platform Cutting-edge AI-based technology underpins this traffic and log analysis tool for Windows and Linux.
  15. AT&T Cybersecurity AlienVault Unified Security Management Great value SIEM that runs on Mac OS as well as Windows.

What is Security Information and Event Management (SIEM)?

SIEM stands for Security Information and Event Management. SIEM tools provide real-time analysis of security alerts generated by applications and network hardware.

SIEM is a broad term for security software packages ranging from Log Management Systems to Security Log / Event Management, Security Information Management, and Security Event correlation. More often than not these features are combined for a 360-degree view.

siem tool features

While a SIEM system isn’t foolproof, it’s one of the key indicators that an organization has a clearly defined cybersecurity policy. Nine times out of ten, cyber attacks don’t have any clear tells on a surface level. To detect threats, it’s more effective to use the log files. The superior log management capabilities of SIEMs have made them a central hub of network transparency.

Most security programs operate on a micro-scale, addressing smaller threats but missing the bigger picture of cyber threats. An Intrusion Detection System (IDS) alone can seldom do more than monitor packets and IP addresses. Likewise, your service logs only show user sessions and configuration changes. SIEM puts these systems and others like it together to provide a complete overview of any security incident through real-time monitoring and the analysis of event logs.

What is Security Information Management (SIM)?

Security Information Management (SIM) is the collection, monitoring, and analysis of security-related data from computer logs. Also referred to as log management.

What is Security Event Management (SEM)?

Security Event Management (SEM) is the practice of network event management including real-time threat analysis, visualization, and incident response.

SIEM vs SIM vs SEM – what’s the difference?

SIEM, SIM, and SEM are often used interchangeably but there are some key differences.


Security Information Management (SIM)Security Event Management (SEM)Security Information and Event Management (SIEM)
OverviewCollection and analysis of security-related data from computer logs.Real-time threat analysis, visualization and incident response.SIEM, as the name suggests, combines SIM and SEM capabilities.
FeaturesEasy to deploy, strong log management capabilities.More complex to deploy, superior at real-time monitoring.More complex to deploy, complete functionality.
Example ToolsOSSIMNetIQ SentinelSolarWinds Log & Event Manager

SIEM capabilities

SIEM’s basic capabilities are as follows:

  • Log Collection
  • Normalization – Collecting logs and normalizing them into a standard format)
  • Notifications and Alerts – Notifying the user when security threats are identified
  • Security Incident Detection
  • Threat response workflow – Workflow for handling past security events

SIEM records data from across a users’ internal network of tools and identifies potential issues and attacks. The system operates under a statistical model to analyze log entries. SIEM distributes collection agents and recalls data from the network, devices, servers, and firewalls.

All this information is then passed to a management console where it can be analyzed to address emerging threats. It’s not uncommon for advanced SIEM systems to use automated responses, entity behavior analytics and security orchestration. This ensures that vulnerabilities between cybersecurity tools can be monitored and addressed by SIEM technology.

Once the necessary information reaches the management console, it is then viewed by a data analyst who can provide feedback on the overall process. This is important because feedback helps to educate the SIEM system in terms of machine learning and increasing its familiarity with the surrounding environment.

Once the SIEM software system identifies a threat, it then communicates with other security systems on the device to stop the unwanted activity. The collaborative nature of SIEM systems makes them a popular enterprise-scale solution. However, the rise of pervasive cyber threats has made many small- and mid-sized businesses consider the merits of a SIEM system as well.

This change has been relatively recent because of the substantial costs of SIEM adoption. Not only must you pay a sizeable amount for the system itself; you need to allocate one or two members of staff to oversee it. As a result, smaller organizations have been less enthusiastic about SIEM adoption. But that has begun to change as SMEs can outsource to managed service providers.

Why is SIEM Important?

SIEM has become a core security component of modern organizations. The main reason is that every user or tracker leaves behind a virtual trail in a network’s log data. SIEM systems are designed to use this log data in order to generate insight into past attacks and events. A SIEM system not only identifies that an attack has happened, but allows you to see how and why it happened as well.

As organizations update and upscale to increasingly complex IT infrastructures, SIEM has become even more critical in recent years. Contrary to popular belief, firewalls and antivirus packages are not enough to protect a network in its entirety. Zero-day attacks can still penetrate a system’s defenses even with these security measures in place.

SIEM addresses this problem by detecting attack activity and assessing it against past behavior on the network. A SIEM system has the ability to distinguish between legitimate use and a malicious attack. This helps to increase a system’s incident protection and avoid damage to systems and virtual property.

The use of SIEM also helps companies to comply with a variety of industry cyber management regulations. Log management is the industry-standard method of auditing activity on an IT network. SIEM systems provide the best way to meet this regulatory requirement and provide transparency over logs in order to generate clear insights and improvements.

The essential features of SIEM Tools

Not all SIEM systems are built the same. As a result, there is no one-size-fits-all. A SIEM solution that’s right for one company may be incomplete to another. In this section, we break down the core features needed for a SIEM system.

  • Log Data Management As mentioned above, log data management is a core component of any enterprise-scale SIEM system. A SIEM system needs to pool log info from a variety of different data sources, each with their own way of categorizing and recording data. When looking for a SIEM system, you want one that has the ability to normalize data effectively (you might need a third-party program if your SIEM system isn’t managing disparate log data well).

Once the data is normalized, it is then quantified and compared against previously recorded data. The SIEM system can then recognize patterns of malicious behavior and raise notifications to alert the user to take action. This data can then be searched by an analyst who can define new criteria for future alerts. This helps to develop the system’s defenses against new threats.

  • Compliance Reporting In terms of convenience and regulatory requirements, having a SIEM with extensive compliance reporting features is very important. In general, most SIEM systems have some kind of onboard report generating system that will help you to conform to your compliance requirements.

The source of requirements of the standards that you need to conform to will be a major influence on which SIEM system you install. If your security standards are dictated by customer contracts, you don’t have much leeway on which SIEM system you choose — if it doesn’t support the required standard, then it won’t be any you’re used to. You may be required to demonstrate compliance to PCI DSS, FISMA, FERPA, HIPAA, SOX, ISO, NCUA, GLBA, NERC CIP, GPG13, DISA STIG or one of many other industry standards.

Threat Intelligence

If a breach or attack occurs, you can generate a report that details how it happened extensively. You can then use this data to refine internal processes and make adjustments to your network infrastructure to make sure it doesn’t happen again. This uses SIEM technology keeps your network infrastructure evolving to address new threats.

  • Fine Tuning Alert Conditions Having the ability to set the criteria for future security alerts is essential for maintaining an effective SIEM system through threat intelligence. Refining alerts is the main way you keep your SIEM system updated against new threats. Innovative cyber-attacks are emerging every day, so using a system that’s designed to add new security alerts stops you from getting left behind.

You also want to make sure that you find a SIEM software platform that can limit the number of security alerts you receive. If you’re inundated with alerts your team is going to be unable to address security concerns in a timely manner. Without fining tuning alerts you’re going to be subjected to sifting through masses of events from firewalls to intrusion logs.

  • Dashboard An extensive SIEM system is no good if you have a poor dashboard behind it. Having a dashboard with a simple user interface makes it much easier to identify threats. In practice, you’re looking for a dashboard with visualization. Straight away this allows your analyst to spot if any anomalies are occurring on the display. Ideally, you want a SIEM system that can be configured to show specific event data.

The best SIEM tools

Before choosing a SIEM tool, it’s important to evaluate your goals. For example, if you’re looking for a SIEM tool to meet regulatory requirements, generating reports will be one of your foremost priorities.

On the other hand, if you want to use a SIEM system to stay protected against emerging attacks, you need one with high functioning normalization and extensive user-defined notification facilities. Below we take a look at some of the best SIEM tools on the market.

Our methodology for selecting a SIEM tool

We reviewed the SIEM market and tested tools based on the following criteria:

  • A system that gathers both log messages and live traffic data
  • A log file management module
  • Data analysis utilities
  • The ability to report to data protection standards
  • Easy to install with an easy-to-use interface
  • A trial period for assessment
  • The right balance between functionality and value for money

Features Comparison Table


ManageEngine Log360LogpointDatadog SecurityGraylogManageEngine EventLog AnalyzerHeimdal Threat Hunting and Action CenterTrellix HelixSolarWindsExabeam FusionElastic SecurityFortinetSplunk
Log File Management, Messages, & Historical AnalysisYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYes
Live MonitoringYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYes
AlertsEmail, SMSEmail, SSH, SNMP, HTTP, or SyslogEmail, Slack and PagerDutyEmail, text, Slack, and moreEmail, SMSThreat Telemetry Visualization and XTP/MITRE ATT&CK VisualizationCustomized alert managementEmailIn Product Alert Triage SystemEmail, SlackEmail, SMSConfigurable email alerts
HIPAA, PCI DSS, SOC 2, ISO 27001, ISO/IEC 17789 (2014), ISO/IEC 19944-1 (2020), ISO/IEC Technical Specification 23167 (2020), ISO/IEC 27018 (2019), GDPRHIPAA, PCI DSS, SOC 2 Type II, ISO 27001, ISO 27017, ISO 27018, ISAE 3000, SOC 2, SOC 3, CyberGRX, TISAX, FedRAMP, CSA STARPCI-DSS, HIPAA, GLBA, and SOXProduct offerings differ: ISO 27001 Certification, SOC 2 Type II Report, HIPAA, PCI DSS, FedRAMP, FIPS 140-2
Operating System:Windows ServerLinux or CloudCloud-basedLinux or CloudWindows, Windows Server, and Linux.Windows, macOSWindows Server, Mac OS X, several Linux distributionsWindowsCloud-basedWindows, macOS, Linux, and cloudHardware, VMware, Hyper-V, KVM, OpenStack, and AWSWindows and Linux

Free Trial or Demo

30-daysDemo14-days2GB Free Plan30-daysFree DemoFree TrialFree TrialDemo14-daysDemo15-days

1. ManageEngine Log360 (FREE TRIAL)

Tested on: Windows Server environment

ManageEngine Log360 Dashboard

ManageEngine Log360 is an on-premises package that includes agents for different operating systems and cloud platforms. The agents collect log messages and send them to the central server unit. Agents integrate with more than 700 applications so they can extract information from them. They also process Windows Event and Syslog messages.

The log server consolidates log messages and displays them in a data viewer in the dashboard as they arrive. The tool also presents metadata about log messages, such as the arrival rate.

Key Features:

  • Log Collection: Gathers logs from both on-site and cloud systems.
  • Log Consolidation and Filing: Organizes and consolidates logs for efficient storage and retrieval.
  • Log Analysis Tools: Provides tools for in-depth analysis of logs, helping in identifying patterns and anomalies.
  • File Integrity Monitoring: Monitors and ensures the integrity of files, detecting unauthorized changes.

Why do we recommend it?

ManageEngine Log360 is a package of ManageEngine tools, including the EventLog Analyzer. You get all of the log management and threat hunting in the EventLog Analyzer package plus user activity tracking, file integrity monitoring, and Active Directory controls.

This SIEM receives a threat intelligence feed, which improves the speed of threat detection. If suspicious activity is spotted, Log360 raises an alert. Alerts can be sent through service desk systems, such as ManageEngine ServiceDesk Plus, Jira, and Kayoko. The package also includes a compliance reporting module for PCI DSS, GDPR, FISMA, HIPAA, SOX, and GLBA.

ManageEngine Log360 SIEM

Who is it recommended for?

The Log360 package is recommended for businesses that are in the market to tool up their Security Operations Centers from scratch and don’t already have any cybersecurity packages in place. This bundle gives you just about every monitoring service you need to block intruders, identify insider threats, and protect data.


  • Threat Intelligence Feed: Integrates a threat intelligence feed to stay updated on the latest security threats.
  • Alerts Sent to Service Desk Packages: Sends alerts to service desk packages, streamlining incident response and resolution.
  • Merges Windows Events and Syslog: Standardizes log formats by merging Windows Events and Syslog messages.
  • Automated Threat Detection: Utilizes automated mechanisms to detect and respond to potential threats.


  • Limited Platform Support: Not available for Linux, potentially limiting its use in environments with Linux systems.

ManageEngine Log360 runs on Windows Server and it is available for a 30-day free trial.


ManageEngine Log360 is our top pick for a SIEM tool because it provides a comprehensive log manager that creates a large data pool for threat hunting. The log manager will collect log messages from any source, which includes Syslog, Windows Events, and application logs. This system will store all of those different logs in the same format. This consolidation process also enables logs to be searched as one body in the data analyzer of Log360. Compliance management is another major benefit of this package.

Official Site:

OS: Windows Server


Tested on: Linux and Cloud

Logpoint SIEM

LogPoint is a security package that includes a SIEM, user and entity behavior analysis (UEBA), and security orchestration, automation, and response (SOAR). This represents a closed-loop security system that can manage your entire Security Operations Center (SOC). As the service’s name suggests, the core of the system is a log manager.

Key Features:

  • Log Collection and Management: Facilitates the collection and management of logs for comprehensive security monitoring.
  • User and Entity Behavior Analytics (UEBA): Utilizes AI and UEBA to analyze user and entity behavior for advanced threat detection.
  • SOAR Capabilities: Incorporates Security Orchestration, Automation, and Response (SOAR) capabilities for automated incident response.
  • GDPR Reporting: Includes features for GDPR reporting, helping organizations comply with data protection regulations.

Why do we recommend it?

The integrated SOAR in the Logpoint package is a big cost save. This allows a security analyst to thread together all of the cybersecurity systems operating on a site, such as antivirus and firewalls, into a homogeneous unit that requires no manual intervention to identify and block threats quickly.

Logpoint collects and consolidates all of the log messages generated by your system on your sites and on cloud platforms. This creates a pool of data for threat hunting searches.

The UEBA provides a baseline of expected activity per user and per device, which also includes external users and activity sources. This is a Machine Learning strategy that drives most AI-based threat detection systems these days. Once a standard pattern of behavior has been recorded for each individual and endpoint or external IP address, the tool looks for deviations from that pattern. This catch-all strategy spots manual intrusion, automated attacks, insider threats, and account takeovers.

Logpoint SIEM

Responses can be automated by playbooks. The exact degree of automation is up to you and the SOAR service in the package means that secondary information can be fed in from more than 25,000 third party tools as part of the rule set for triggering a response. Those responses are implemented by updating your security tools or sending instructions. This will involve interactions with the access rights manager (ARM), firewalls, and on-device AVs. Logpoint can also generate alerts and tickets for your Service Desk system.

Who is it recommended for?

This tool is aimed at businesses with between 500 and 5,000 employees, but it has a metered rate, based on data throughput, which makes it accessible to small companies and very large multinationals. The tool is also used by managed security service providers (MSSPs).


  • Insider Threat Detection: Specializes in detecting both external intruder threats and internal insider threats to enhance security.
  • Threat Intelligence Feed: Integrates a threat intelligence feed for staying updated on the latest security threats.


  • No Free Trial Period: The absence of a free trial period may limit the ability of potential users to explore and evaluate the platform before making a commitment.

Logpoint has three deployment options, which gives it a wide audience. It can be installed on Ubuntu Linux for on-premises operations or you can get it as a service on the AWS Marketplace. The company also offers Logpoint as a SaaS platform. There is no free trial, but you can request a demo to assess the package

Logpoint SIEM Access FREE DEMO

3. Datadog Security Monitoring (FREE TRIAL)

Tested on: Cloud/SaaS

Datadog Security Configuration - Detection Rules view

Datadog is a cloud-based system monitoring package that includes security monitoring. The security features of the system are contained in a specialized module. This is a full SIEM system because it monitors live events, but collects them as log file entries, so it operates both on log information and on monitoring data. The service collects local information through an agent, which uploads each record to the Datadog server. The security monitoring module then analyzes all incoming notifications and files them.

Key Features:

  • Full Security Visibility: Provides comprehensive security visibility through integration with over 500 tools and services.
  • Over 600 Vendor Integrations: Integrates with over 600 vendors, providing extensive compatibility with various tools and services.
  • Unified Dashboard: Enables users to observe metrics, traces, logs, and other data from a unified dashboard.
  • Out-of-the-Box Detection Rules: Provides robust pre-configured detection rules out-of-the-box for streamlined threat detection.

Unique Feature:
The Datadog security package is delivered in three units that include Posture Management to scan cloud systems for vulnerabilities and Workload Security for live security monitoring. The third stand is the Cloud SIEM, which implements security scanning for on-premises systems.

Why do we recommend it?

Datadog Security Monitoring is a cloud-based SIEM that is a great choice for multi-site businesses. The service is also able to gather activity data from cloud platforms, making it ideal for a hybrid system. The Datadog platform includes a range of tools that can extend the security monitoring of this package with other functions, such as log management and an audit trail service.

Datadog SIEM Configuration

Security events trigger alerts in the console for the service. The console also gives access to all event records. Logged messages are indexed and retained for 15 months. They can be accessed for analysis through the Datadog console, or extracted in order to be imported into another analysis tool.

The offsite processing capabilities reduce the processing demands on your infrastructure. It also makes it very easy to monitor remote networks. The analysis service has a pre-defined set of rules that will automatically detect known attack vectors.

The pool of detection rules gets updated automatically by Datadog when new attack strategies are discovered. This means that the system administrators don’t need to worry about keeping security software up to date because that process happens automatically on the cloud server. It is also very easy for a systems administrator to create custom detection and mitigation rules.

Datadog offers a menu of specialist modules and all of them can be deployed individually or as a suite. You get greater functionality by combining modules, which are all able to share data about the monitored system

Who is it recommended for?

This service is particularly useful for businesses that run applications and services on multiple sites and cloud platforms. The Datadog Cloud SIEM can collect log data from all platforms and consolidate them into a standard format for unified threat hunting.


  • Real-time Threat Detection: Allows users to start detecting threats immediately with default rules aligned to the MITRE ATT&CK framework.
  • Gartner Survey Rating: DataDog scored 4.6/5 in a Gartner survey of IT customers, indicating high satisfaction among users.
  • 14-day Free Trial: Offers a 14-day free trial period for users to explore and evaluate the platform.


  • Overwhelming Functionality: The wealth of functionality provided by DataDog may be a little overwhelming for users, especially during the initial stages of use.

Datadog is available on a 14-day free trial.

Datadog Start a 14-day FREE Trial

4. Graylog (FREE PLAN)

Tested on: Linux an over VM

Graylog Histogram Search

Graylog is a log management system that can be adapted for use as a SIEM tool. The package includes a data collector that picks up log messages that derive from operating systems. It is also able to catch log data from a list of applications with which the package has integrations. The two main formats that Graylog will capture are Syslog and Windows Events.

Key Features:

  • Data Collector: Provides a data collector to gather and manage log data for analysis.
  • Application Integrations: Supports integrations with various applications, enhancing compatibility and data consolidation.
  • Syslog and Windows Events: Capable of handling both Syslog messages and Windows Events for a comprehensive log management solution.
  • Consolidator: Acts as a consolidator, bringing together logs from diverse sources for unified analysis.
  • Ad-hoc Query Tool: Provides an ad-hoc query tool for on-the-fly analysis and investigation of log data.

Why do we recommend it?

Originally a free, open-source system, Graylog has gathered a large and loyal user community through its years of operations. The more recent SIEM functions build on a solid log management tool.

The data collector passes log messages to a log server, where they are consolidated into a common format. The Graylog system calculates log throughput statistics and shows live tail records in the console as they arrive. The log server then files messages and manages a meaningful directory structure. Any of the logs can be called back into the data viewer for analysis.

The Graylog system includes pre-written templates for SIEM functions. These can be adapted and it is also possible to implement playbooks for automated responses on the detection of a threat.

graylog SIEM Monitoring

Who is it recommended for?

The Free plan of Graylog is a great option for small businesses that don’t have a lot of cash to spend on security tools. Larger businesses opting for the paid SIEM system get an extra bonus of an excellent log management service.


  • Adaptable SIEM Functions: Offers adaptable SIEM functions for robust security monitoring.
  • Orchestration with Access Rights Managers: Supports orchestration with access rights managers and firewalls, enhancing overall security posture.


  • Won’t Install on Windows: One limitation is that Graylog won’t install on Windows, potentially restricting deployment options for users preferring Windows-based environments.

There are four versions of Graylog. The original edition is called Graylog Open, which is a free, open-source package with community support. That package installs on Linux or over a VM. The two main versions are Graylog Enterprise and Graylog Cloud. The difference between these is that Graylog Cloud is a SaaS package and it includes storage space for log files. The Enterprise system runs over a VM. There is also a free version of Enterprise, called Graylog Small Business. That free plan is limited to processing 2 GB of data per day. You can get a demo of the full Graylog Cloud edition.

Graylog Small Business Download - FREE up to 2GB/day

5. ManageEngine EventLog Analyzer (FREE TRIAL)

Tested on: Windows, Windows Server, and Linux

ManageEngine EventLog Analyzer

The ManageEngine EventLog Analyzer is a Log Management Tool because it focuses on managing logs and gleaning security and performance information from them. The tool is able to gather Windows Event log and Syslog messages. It will then organize these messages into files, rotating to new files where appropriate and storing those files in meaningfully-named directories for easy access. The EventLog Analyzer then protects those files from tampering.

Key Features:

  • Log Collection: Collects and consolidates log data from Windows Event logs and Syslog messages, providing a centralized view of system events.
  • Live Intrusion Detection: Monitors real-time events for potential security threats or intrusions, allowing for immediate response to suspicious activities.
  • Log Analysis: Analyzes log data to identify patterns, trends, and anomalies, facilitating the detection of security incidents or operational issues.
  • Alert Mechanism: Provides an alerting system that notifies users of critical events or security incidents, helping in timely response to potential threats.

Why do we recommend it?

EventLog Analyzer is available for Linux as well as for Windows Server, so this is a very good choice for businesses that run Windows endpoints but Linux servers because it can collect Windows Events while running on Linux.

The ManageEngine system is more than a log server, though. It has analytical functions that will inform you of unauthorized access to company resources. The tool will also assess the performance of key applications and services, such as Web servers, databases, DHCP servers, and print queues.

The auditing and reporting modules of the EventLog Analyzer are very useful for demonstrating data protection standards compliance. The reporting engine includes formats for compliance with PCI DSS, FISMA, GLBA, SOX, HIPAA, and ISO 27001.

ManageEngine EventLog Analyzer SIEM

Who is it recommended for?

The Free edition of EventLog Analyzer is a good option for small businesses. The paid version is recommended for large businesses that want to run their own log management and threat-hunting service instead of relying on SaaS packages.


  • Multi-Platform Support: Available for both Linux and Windows environments, making it versatile and adaptable to different IT infrastructures.
  • Compliance Auditing: Supports compliance auditing for major standards such as HIPAA, PCI, FISMA, ensuring that organizations can meet regulatory requirements.
  • Intelligent Alerting: Helps reduce false positives by employing intelligent alerting mechanisms, allowing users to prioritize specific events or areas of the network effectively.
  • Free Version Available: Includes a free version for testing purposes, allowing users to explore the capabilities of the tool before making a purchase decision.


  • Feature-Dense Product: The product is described as being feature-dense, which may pose a challenge for new users who have never used a Log Management Tool.

There are four editions of ManageEngine EventLog Analyzer and the first of these is Free. That free version is limited to five log sources and has a limited set of functions. The cheapest paid package is the Workstation edition, which can collect logs from up to 100 nodes. For a larger network, you would need the Premium edition and there is a Distributed edition that will collect logs from multiple sites. All versions will run on Windows Server and Linux and you can get either of the paid editions on a 30-day free trial.

ManageEngine EventLog Analyzer Download 30-day FREE Trial

6. Heimdal Threat Hunting and Action Center (GET  DEMO)

Tested on: Cloud/SaaS

Heimdal Endpoint Detection Virus Scan

Heimdal Threat Hunting and Action Center is an add-on function to the Heimdal cybersecurity environment, creating a centralized threat detection and response service from data pooled from on-premises Heimdal products. The essential contributor to threat hunting source data is the Heimdal Next-Generation Anti-Virus (HGAV) package. This system incorporates a mobile device management (MDM) and is available for Windows, macOS, Linux, Android, and iOS.

Key Features:

  • Centralized Threat Detection: Offers a centralized approach to detecting and managing security threats across computer systems and mobile devices.
  • Data Gathering: Gathers and analyzes data from both computers and mobile devices, providing a comprehensive view of the security landscape.

Why do we recommend it?

Heimdal Threat Hunting and Action Center provides a private threat intelligence service for a company. It aggregates data from local devices and creates a centralized data pool for threat detection. Data exchange is two-way because detected threats trigger responses, which can include local system hardening for devices that have not yet been hit.

The Threat Hunting and Action Center won’t activate unless you have the NGAV system plus two other Heimdal products. This is because the unit that performs threat hunting, which is called the XTP Engine, relies on data uploaded by those on-premises products. “XTP” stands for Extended Threat Protection.

The systems that you can choose from are Network Security, Email Security, Patching & Asset Management, and Endpoint Security. If you have more than two of those as well as the NGAV, your threat detection and response capabilities will get even better.

The Action Center provides automated responses when the threat Hunting module detects a threat. These instructions not only tell the affected device how to shut down the threat but also informs all other devices to create system hardening. For example, this would block lateral movement by malware or an intruder.

Heimdal Security SIEM

Who is it recommended for?

This cloud package is an obvious choice for businesses that have already chosen to buy Heimdal on-premises systems. New buyers will e attracted to the dual-level protection strategy with on-device systems providing continuity and the cloud-based SIEM providing deeper insights. The key market for the package is mid-sized businesses.


  • Automated Responses: Implements automated responses to security threats, allowing for swift actions to mitigate and address potential risks.
  • Provides Vulnerability: Offers not only real-time threat detection but also includes vulnerability scanning, addressing potential weaknesses in the system.


  • Not a Standalone Service: One of the identified drawbacks is that Heimdal is not a standalone service. It’s essential to consider this when evaluating the product, as organizations may need to integrate it into existing security infrastructure or use it in conjunction with other services.

You can’t get a free trial of the Threat Hunting and Action Center because the tool is part of a whole package and you can choose different on-premises elements for your implementation. The best way to explore this system before buying is to request a free demo.

Heimdal Threat Hunting and Action Center Get a FREE Demo

7. Trellix Helix

Tested on: Cloud/SaaS

Trellix DLP Discover

Trellix Helix is a SIEM service that is delivered from the cloud. The tool installs an agent on the network that is to be monitored and this collects data from endpoints and network devices. This system includes a number of extra features that qualify it for the status of next-generation SIEM.

Key Features:

  • Cloud-Based Threat Hunting: Utilizes cloud-based capabilities for threat hunting, allowing for scalable and efficient monitoring of potential security threats.
  • Intelligence Feed: Incorporates an intelligence feed for real-time information on emerging threats and vulnerabilities to enhance proactive security measures.
  • Integrates with Third-Party Security Systems: Enables seamless integration with third-party security systems, fostering interoperability and flexibility in the overall security infrastructure.

Why do we recommend it?

Trellix Helix is a competent cloud-based next-generation SIEM. This tool provides heavy processing power without the need for the buyer to invest in a host for the software. You get extra value out of your existing security tools because this SIEM extracts data from them and sends back threat remediation instructions.

Trellix is a new brand. However, the Helix system is older – it was originally developed by FireEye. The system generates user and entity behavior analytics (UEBA) to profile each device and user. It establishes a standard activity pattern for each identity and then implements anomaly-based security analysis. That is, any deviation from standard behavior is flagged as suspicious. The strategy is ideal for identifying insider threats and account takeovers.

The package also has a threat intelligence feed, which guides the threat detection system in its search through uploaded log messages and network activity records. The tool uses integrations to extract data from on-premises security tools.

Who is it recommended for?

This tool is a close competition to Rapid7 and LogRhythm. The three tools are almost identical and it is very difficult to choose between them. This system is suitable for large organizations or growing mid-sized enterprises. The service’s SOAR unit relies on the presence of other security tools on the protected site.


  • Value for Money Through SOAR: Provides value for money by incorporating capabilities; thereby enhancing efficiency and response times through automation.
  • Adaptability to Attacks: Demonstrates adaptability by tailoring threat-hunting methodologies to align with the evolving tactics of hacker attack campaigns, ensuring a proactive defense strategy.
  • Vendor Reputation: The fact that Trellix Helix is designed by a reliable security tools provider suggests a level of trustworthiness and expertise in the field.


  • Dependency on Internet Connection: A significant drawback is that Trellix Helix can’t operate if an attacker successfully blocks the site’s internet connection.

Trellix doesn’t offer a free trial of the Helix system, however, you can register for a  free demo.

8. SolarWinds Security Event Manager

Tested on: Windows Server

SolarWinds Security Event Manager dashboard

In terms of entry-level SIEM tools, SolarWinds Security Event Manager (SEM) is one of the most competitive offerings on the market. The SEM embodies all the core features you’d expect from a SIEM system, with extensive log management features and reporting. SolarWinds’ detailed real-time incident response makes it a great tool for those looking to exploit Windows event logs to actively manage their network infrastructure against future threats.

Key Features:

  • Simple Log Filtering: Features straightforward log filtering, eliminating the need to learn a custom query language.
  • Dozens of Templates: Provides dozens of templates, enabling administrators to start using SEM with minimal setup or customization.
  • Log Manager: Acts as a log manager with the capability to forward records to third-party tools.
  • Historical Analysis: Provides tools for historical analysis, aiding in the identification of past security incidents

Unique feature:
This SolarWinds package runs on Windows Server and can be partnered by other SolarWinds tools to form a suite. The log manager in the package is able to collect log messages from all active components of an IT system, not just SolarWinds products.

Why do we recommend it?

The SolarWinds Security Event Manager is an on-premises service that is able to reach out to cloud platforms as well. This service can unify the monitoring of multiple sites and cloud services from its base on one of your servers.

One of the best things about the SEM is its detailed and intuitive dashboard design. The simplicity of the visualization tools makes it easy for the user to identify any anomalies. As a welcome bonus, the company offers 24/7 support, so you can contact them for advice if you run into an error.

SolarWinds Security Event Manager provides methods to collect, collate, and consolidate log messages as well as providing automated and manual analysis systems. This is an on-premises package that will gather log messages from many different services and devices, including network switches and routers, firewalls, operating systems, security software on endpoints, and typical applications, such as Web servers and file transfer utilities. The log messages are analyzed automatically as soon as they arrive and they are also filed. Log files are stored in a meaningful folder structure, which makes past log messages easy to locate and load into the Security Event Manager’s data viewer for manual analysis.

Who is it recommended for?

This is a solution for large corporations that don’t want to risk having to rely on SaaS packages. Although cloud services are now in the ascendancy, not everyone likes them.


  • Live Anomaly Detection: Utilizes real-time anomaly detection to identify abnormal patterns or behavior.
  • Enterprise-Focused SIEM: Designed with an enterprise focus and offers a wide range of integrations.
  • 30-day Free Trial: Offers a 30-day free trial period, allowing users to explore and evaluate the product.


  • Advanced SIEM for Professionals: Targeted as an advanced SIEM product for professionals, which may require time to fully learn and master the platform.

The software for SolarWinds Security Event Manager installs on Windows Server. Pricing is scaled to account for capacity requirements but the starting price is $2,877, so this isn’t a tool for small businesses. Get a 30-day free trial.

9. Exabeam Fusion

Tested on: Cloud/SaaS


Exabeam Fusion is a subscription service. As a SaaS package, the system is hosted and includes the processing power of a cloud server and storage space for log data. The system needs source data for its threat-hunting routines and this is provided by agents that need to be installed on the networks that are to be protected by Exabeam.

Key Features:

  • UEBA Capabilities: Utilizes UEBA for adaptable baselining, allowing the system to learn and adapt to normal behavior patterns, aiding in the detection of anomalies.
  • SOAR for Detection and Response: Incorporates SOAR capabilities, enhancing the efficiency of detection and response processes.
  • Cloud-Based: Operates as a cloud-based solution, offering the flexibility and scalability associated with cloud deployment models.

Exabeam Fusion SIEM

Why do we recommend it?

The SOAR features in the Exabeam Fusion package enable this cloud-based system to get on-premises powers by manipulating the security measures that you already have in place, such as firewalls and access rights managers.

The on-site agents collect log messages and upload them to the Exabeam server. They also interact with on-site security packages, such as firewalls and anti-virus systems to extract more event information. This is security orchestration, automation, and response (SOAR), and the cooperation with third-party tools also works to shut down detected threats.

The Exabeam console also includes an analysis module. This enables technicians to track events and examine borderline anomalies that might be considered threats or could just be legitimate, infrequent actions. The analysis system presents a timeline of an attack, showing what chains of events lead to the decision to treat these activities as a threat.

Who is it recommended for?

Exabeam Fusion is ideal for large organizations that have multiple sites and so would benefit from the neutral cloud location of this SIEM system rather than an on-premises package.


  • Automatic Threat Intelligence Updates: This ensures that the system is equipped with the latest information to identify and respond to emerging threats.
  • Automated Responses to Attacks: Enables automated responses to security incidents, allowing for swift and effective actions to mitigate and shut down potential attacks.


  • No Free Trial: The absence of a free trial limits potential users’ ability to assess the product’s suitability for their specific needs before making a purchase.
  • No Price List: Another limitation is the lack of a publicly available price list, which may make it challenging for organizations to assess the total cost of ownership.

Exabeam is an impressive security product with a list of high-profile users that includes banks, utilities, and tech firms. One problem with this system is that Exabeam doesn’t publish its price list and it doesn’t give a free trial. However, you can get a demo to explore the SIEM system.

10. Elastic Security

Tested on: Windows, macOS, Linux, and cloud


The Elastic Stack is a group of free tools that can be used to analyze any dataset. This is a very widely-used package that includes Logstash for log message collection, Elasticsearch for data assessments, and Kibana to display results. The group is also known as ELK. The problem most users will face when using ELK for security monitoring is that it takes a lot of work to set up your own search rules. However, Elastic Security is a paid package of all of the rules and settings that you need in order to make a SIEM system out of ELK.

Key Features:

  • Log Collection: The platform is designed to collect log messages from various sources, facilitating centralized log management.
  • Log Analysis: Provides capabilities for both live and historical analysis of log data, allowing users to gain insights in real-time and retrospectively.
  • Out-of-the-Box Threat Hunting: Offers out-of-the-box threat hunting capabilities, allowing users to proactively search for potential security threats within the log data.

Elastic Security SIEM

Why do we recommend it?

Although the Elastic Security package operates on your ELK installation, it doesn’t reserve the entire stack for its own use. You can still create your own data analysis tools alongside your constantly-running ELK SIEM system. This makes the Elastic Security service very good value for money.

You can adapt the Elastic Security package to take any source of data, such as application status reports as well as operating system log messages. The service isn’t limited to monitoring one site or platform, so you can channel source data into the SIEM from any site and also cloud services.

Who is it recommended for?

The ELK package by itself is a very good deal because the components are free to use on your own hosts. This makes the ELK system appealing to small businesses and those who don’t have the time or training to set up a custom-built SIEM will be happy to pay the fee for the Elastic Security add-on just to save time. This is also a good package for large businesses and the SaaS option will appeal to businesses that don’t want to run their own servers.


  • Deployment Options: Elastic Stack offers flexibility in deployment options, allowing users to choose configurations that suit their specific needs.
  • Customizable with Extra Data Sources: Elastic Stack can be customized by integrating additional data sources, providing users with the flexibility to tailor the platform to their specific requirements.


  • Requires Work to Set Up: The setup process might involve configuration and customization, which could be perceived as a potential challenge for users.

Elastic Security is included in all of the paid plans for the Elastic Stack system and the price is the same whether you host the software yourself or access it on Elastic Cloud. There are five price points and all of the editions include performance monitoring as well as the security package. You can assess any of the plans on Elastic Cloud with a 14-day free trial.

11. Fortinet FortiSIEM

Tested on: Hardware, VMware, Hyper-V, KVM, OpenStack, and AWS

Fortinet FortiSIEM

Fortinet FortiSIEM can be used as a standalone tool or combined with other Fortinet tools to create a full enterprise protection system, called the Fortinet Security Fabric. Fortinet has an excellent reputation in the field of cybersecurity and its hardware appliances are custom-built with specially designed microchips to provide high-speed data processing. The FortiSIEM can be included on a hardware device or you can run it as a virtual appliance. The system is also offered as a service on AWS.

Key Features:

  • UEBA Features: This boosts the platform’s ability to detect anomalies and potential security threats based on user and entity behavior.
  • Attack Responses: The platform includes features for attack responses, allowing for automated actions to mitigate and respond to security incidents.
  • Compliance Reporting: FortiSIEM includes compliance reporting features, assisting organizations in adhering to regulatory requirements and industry standards.
  • Options for Virtual Networks: Offers options to implement security measures specifically designed for virtual networks, catering to the needs of virtualized environments.

Fortinet FortSIEM SIEM

Why do we recommend it?

Fortinet is a leading provider of system security solutions and so deserves to be included on any list of security service categories in which they have products. The inclusion of FortiSIEM as part of a SASE solution or added to the FortiGate firewall provides optimum security.

Fortinet FortiSIEM will collect and store log messages, which is an essential task for compliance with many data protection standards. FortiSIEM provides compliance reporting for PCI-DSS, HIPAA, GLBA, and SOX. Another important feature of this system is that it can be set up to implement automated responses to shut down the threats that it detects.

Who is it recommended for?

Fortinet’s reputation for the excellence of its hardware appliances sets this business as aiming for large corporations for its customer base. The advent of its virtual machine option brings down the cost of using Fortinet SIEM. However, the company still favors larger businesses with its product line.


  • Choice of Data Processing Volumes: Fortinet FortiSIEM provides users with the flexibility to choose data processing volumes based on their specific needs and requirements.
  • Security Assurance: FortiSIEM can be seamlessly combined with a firewall and traffic shaping service, providing a comprehensive security solution for network management.


  • Higher-End Pricing: FortiSIEM prices are positioned at the higher end of the market, potentially making it less accessible for organizations with budget constraints.

The expansion of Fortinet’s implementation model to include virtual appliances enables the business to appeal to a wider audience than its original and still favored deployment system that is based on hardware appliances. The company offers a demo of its Fortinet SIEM and any of its other products.

12. Splunk Enterprise Security

Tested on: Windows, Windows Server, and Linux

Splunk Enterprise Security

Splunk is one of the most popular SIEM management solutions in the world. What sets it apart from the competition is that it has incorporated analytics into the heart of its SIEM. Network and machine data can be monitored on a real-time basis as the system scours for potential vulnerabilities and can even point to abnormal behavior. Enterprise Security’s Notables function displays alerts that can be refined by the user.

Key Features:

  • Real-Time Network Monitoring: This feature allows organizations to actively track and respond to events as they occur.
  • Asset Investigator: Asset Investigator feature enables detailed analysis and investigation of assets within the network.
  • Historical Analysis: Facilitates historical analysis, allowing users to examine and analyze past events and trends.
  • Easy Customization: Features an excellent user interface that is highly visual and offers easy customization options.

Splunk Enterprise Security SIEM

Why do we recommend it?

Splunk Enterprise Security is a very flexible package and gets you the base Splunk package for data analysis as well. You can create your own threat hunting searches, analysis functions, and automated defense rules as well as using the out-of-the-box rules that are included with this plan.

In terms of responding to security threats, the user interface is incredibly simple. When conducting an incident review, the user can start with a basic overview before clicking through to in-depth annotations on the past event. Likewise, the Asset Investigator does a fine job of flagging malicious actions and preventing future damage.

Who is it recommended for?

Splunk Enterprise Security is recommended for businesses of all sizes. However, the cost and power of this package mean it is probably more attractive to large businesses than small enterprises.


  • Behavior Analysis for Threat Detection: Utilizes behavior analysis to detect threats that may go unnoticed through traditional log analysis methods, enhancing the platform’s threat detection capabilities.
  • Available for Linux and Windows: Offers compatibility with both Linux and Windows operating systems, providing flexibility in deployment.


  • Non-Transparent Pricing: The pricing structure is not transparent and requires a quote from the vendor, which may make it challenging for organizations to assess the cost beforehand.
  • More Suited for Large Enterprises: While suitable for large enterprises, the extensive features and potentially higher costs may make it less ideal for smaller organizations with simpler security needs.

You need to contact the vendor for a quotation so it’s clear that this is a scalable platform designed with larger organizations in mind. There is also a SaaS version of this Splunk service available, called Splunk Security Cloud. This is available for a 15-day free trial. The trial version of the system is limited to processing 5 GB of data per day.

13. Rapid7 InsightIDR

Tested on: Cloud/SaaS

Rapid7 insightIDR

Rapid7 InsightIDR is headlined as both an XDR and a SIEM. This cloud-based system installs agents on your site to collect and upload activity data. The system is supported by a team of security analysts who supplement the insights of the detection software. The tool also gets a threat intelligence feed, which sharpens threat detection toward current attack vectors.

Key Features:

  • Endpoint Protection: InsightIDR includes features for endpoint protection, addressing security concerns at the individual device level.
  • Network Security Scanning: The platform offers network security scanning capabilities for the identification and mitigation of vulnerabilities within the network.
  • UEBA Capabilities: Incorporates UEBA features for the detection of anomalous behaviors that may indicate security threats.
  • SOAR Capabilities: Incorporates SOAR capabilities that helps to streamline security processes and response actions.

Rapid7 InsightIDR SIEM

Why do we recommend it?

InsightIDR is more of a “platform” than a “package” because it includes a collection of security systems. It provides multiple threat detection methods and also exploits the power of your existing security systems, such as firewalls and access rights managers. Threat response can be automated for immediate action.

This system combines several threat detection strategies. The threat intelligence feed provides indicators of compromise (IoCs), which are the foundations of a signature-based detection approach. The system also includes a user and entity behavior analytics (UEBA) module, which records a baseline of normal behavior for each user account and device – this is an anomaly-based detection method.

While collecting event data from each endpoint, this tool also gathers live network activity information. This combination provides the classic source data for a SIEM. The threat detection process is performed in the cloud on Rapid7 servers, thus lightening the processing burden on your servers.

Responses can be implemented through third-party tools. The InsightIDR service writes new firewall rules to block traffic from suspicious external sources and it can also instruct access rights managers to suspend accounts that seem to have been compromised.

The InsightIDR console helps system administrators create honeypots and traps to lure intruders into a dead end where they can be identified and blocked. The service is a time-saver and it creates fake data files and accounts with weak security as bait.

Who is it recommended for?

This system is complicated and comprehensive and, therefore, it is not cheap. The service is made for large organizations with extensive assets to protect. Grown mid-sized businesses would also benefit from the package. The Rapid7 platform also includes a vulnerability manager so that combination will attract businesses that are in the market for both prevention and live security systems.


  • Deception Technology: Provides deception technology utilities, enhancing the platform’s ability to detect and deceive potential attackers, improving overall security.
  • Automated Threat Response: Provides automated threat response mechanisms and comprehensive action logging for efficient incident response and analysis.


  • Cannot Protect Offline Systems: Systems that are completely disconnected from the internet may not be protected, potentially impacting security coverage for offline environments.

InsightIDR provides compliance auditing as well as threat protection. It collects and stores system log messages, retaining them live for three months and then keeping them in an archive for a further 10 months. Archived files can be revived for compliance auditing.

You can get a 30-day free trial of Rapid7 InsightIDR.

See also: The Best HIDS

14. LogRhythm NextGen SIEM Platform

Tested on: Windows, appliance, or cloud

LogRhythm Security Intelligence Platform

LogRhythm have long established themselves as pioneers within the SIEM solution sector. From behavioral analysis to log correlation and artificial intelligence for machine learning, this platform has it all.

Key Features:

  • Sleek Interface: Features a visually appealing and highly customizable interface, enhancing user experience.
  • Log File Management: Simplifies log file management through easy-to-use wizards, making it a user-friendly tool for setting up log collection and other security tasks.
  • Guided Analysis: Provides guided analysis features, which can assist users in understanding and interpreting security data, aiding in effective incident response.

LogRhythm Next Gen SIEM Platform

Why do we recommend it?

LogRhythm NextGen SIEM is a cloud-based service and it is very similar to Datadog, Logpoint, Exabeam, AlienVault, and QRadar. This tool is equally proficient to its rivals and so we couldn’t leave it out of our list of recommendations.

The system is compatible with a massive range of devices and log types. In terms of configuring your settings, most activity is managed through the Deployment Manager. For example, you can use the Windows Host Wizard to sift through Windows logs.

This makes it much easier to narrow down on what is happening on your network. At first, the user interface does have a learning curve, but the extensive instruction manual helps. The icing on the cake is that the instruction manual actually provides hyperlinks to various features in order to aid you in your journey.

Who is it recommended for?

As it is a cloud-based system, LogRhythm is a good option for businesses that don’t want to load more systems onto their servers. This tool is a good option for large businesses that want to move their systems to the cloud.


  • User-Friendly Setup: Utilizes simple wizards for log collection and security tasks, making it accessible for beginners.
  • AI and ML Integration: Leverages AI and machine learning for behavior analysis, enhancing overall threat detection capabilities.


  • Lack of Trial Option: The absence of a trial option may be a drawback for users who prefer to assess the software before committing to a purchase.
  • Limited Cross-Platform Support: This limits versatility for organizations with diverse IT environments.

The price tag of this platform makes it a good choice for medium-sized organizations looking to implement new security measures.

15. AT&T Cybersecurity AlienVault Unified Security Management

Tested on: Cloud/SaaS

AlienVault SIEM

As one of the more competitively priced SIEM solutions on this list, AlienVault (now part of AT&T Cybersecurity) is a very attractive offering. At its core, this is a traditional SIEM product with built-in intrusion detection, behavioral monitoring, and vulnerability assessment. AlienVault has the onboard analytics you would expect from scalable platform.

Key Features:

  • Intrusion Detection: Detects and alerts on potential security breaches and unauthorized access attempts.
  • Behavior Monitoring: Monitors the behavior of systems and users to identify anomalous activities indicative of security threats.
  • Open Threat Exchange: Utilizes a collaborative platform for sharing threat intelligence and information with other users.
  • Scanning and Assessment: Scanns log files and provides vulnerability assessment reports based on devices and applications scanned on the network.

AT&T Cybersecurity AlienVault Unified Security Management

Why do we recommend it?

AlienVault is a very reliable cloud-based SIEM system and its reasonable price makes it a great option. The crowd-sourced Open Threat Exchange is another facility in the alien Vault platform that makes this threat detection system attractive.

One of the more unique aspects of AlienVault’s platform is the Open Threat Exchange (OTX). The OTX is a web portal that allows users to upload “indicators of compromise” (IOC) to help other users flag threats. This is a great resource in terms of general knowledge and threats.

Who is it recommended for?

Businesses of all sizes would benefit from using AlienVault. Enterprises that don’t want to hire cybersecurity experts should consider the Alien Labs Managed Threat Detection and Response service.


  • Threat Data Sharing: Employs a user-powered portal, allowing customers to share their threat data to enhance the system’s overall effectiveness and threat intelligence.
  • AI Integration: Uses AI to assist administrators in proactively hunting down and mitigating security threats.


  • Challenges in Log Search: Logs can be harder to search and read, which may impact the efficiency of incident response and analysis.
  • Limited Integration Options: Users may desire more integration options into other security systems, as broader compatibility enhances overall security operations.

The low price of this SIEM system makes it ideal for small to midsize businesses looking to upscale their security infrastructure. AT&T Cybersecurity offer a free trial.

More SIEM Reviews & Alternatives

SIEM tools FAQ

What is a security event?

A security event is an unexpected use of a system resource that indicates the unauthorized use of data or infrastructure. The individual event might seem harmless but could contribute to a security breach when combined with other actions.

What to log in an SIEM?

  1. Define Logging Requirements: Clearly define what events and activities should be logged based on regulatory requirements, industry best practices, and organizational needs.
  2. Collect Comprehensive Logs: Enable logging across different layers of the IT infrastructure, including servers, network devices, firewalls, intrusion detection systems, and critical applications.
  3. Log Retention and Storage: Determine the appropriate retention period for logs based on factors such as compliance mandates, incident investigation requirements, and available storage capacity.
  4. Centralized Log Management: Implement a centralized log management system or SIEM tool to collect, store, and analyze log data from various sources.
  5. Log Integrity and Protection: Apply appropriate access controls to log repositories to prevent unauthorized modifications or tampering.
  6. Real-time Monitoring and Alerts: Establish thresholds and rules that trigger alerts based on predefined security events or abnormal behavior.
  7. Regular Log Review: Conduct regular log reviews and analysis to identify potential security incidents, patterns, or trends.
  8. Incident Response Integration: Integrate your SIEM or log management system with incident response processes.
  9. Ongoing Maintenance and Testing: Regularly update and maintain logging systems, including applying patches and updates to mitigate security vulnerabilities.
  10. Compliance and Reporting: Generate audit trails and reports for security audits, compliance assessments, and incident response reviews.

What is log parsing in SIEM?

Log parsing restructures existing data for use in security analysis in SIEM. Key data will be extracted from regular log files that are sourced from different record-keeping systems, unifying the event information that arises from several sources.

How much does an SIEM tool cost?

SIEM systems come in many configurations and range from free open-source implementations for starting or medium businesses right through to multi-user license packages more suitable for larger organizations.



Datadog Security Monitoring

Starts at $0.20/GB of analyzed logs (~£0.14/GB)

SolarWinds Security Event Manager

Starts at $4,805 (£3,646)


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ManageEngine EventLog Analyzer

Free Edition: Free for up to 5 log sources
Premium: $595 for 10 to 10,000 log sources
Distributed Edition: $2495 for unlimited log sources

ManageEngine Log360

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Exabeam Fusion

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Elastic Security

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Fortinet FortiSIEM

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Splunk Enterprise Security

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Rapid7 InsightIDR

$3.82/month/asset - Contact

LogRhythm NextGen SIEM Platform

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Trellix Helix

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AT&T Cybersecurity AlienVault Unified Security Management

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IBM Security QRadar SIEM

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